Thursday, August 01, 2013

Soldiers turned hitmen.

via Fox News.
Mexican cartels are recruiting hit men from the U.S. military, offering big money to highly-trained soldiers to carry out contract killings and potentially share their skills with gangsters south of the border, according to law enforcement experts.
The involvement of three American soldiers in separate incidents, including a 2009 murder that led to last week’s life sentence for a former Army private, underscore a problem the U.S. military has fought hard to address.
"We have seen examples over the past few years where American servicemen are becoming involved in this type of activity," said Fred Burton, vice president for STRATFOR Global Intelligence. "It is quite worrisome to have individuals with specialized military training and combat experience being associated with the cartels."
Click here to read it all.

DHS has the ball it needs to make every person that ever served in the military suspect now.  I find it interesting though that the "ex-LT" would engage in such behavior.

Well maybe I shouldn't be surprised.  If a lying to the Senate, using improper command influence, record falsifying Commandant can get the full support of the SecDef, then why shouldn't it be ok for an Army Officer to become a hitman for the drug gangs in Mexico while on active duty?

Welcome to the new US military.


  1. If the F-35's existence results in over a 100,000 US troops suddenly being cut, this story could be first of many like this.

    Hardened and highly trained combat veterans, suddenly left without a job in a shitty job market... You do the math.

    1. Sounds unfortunately sorta plausible. One more reason to put the tech on the back burner and keep the force levels up.

    2. I have bad news-- F-35 or not there are going to be troop cuts.

      Allow me to explain: There was a big global war on terror, and we mobilized a lot of men. Now that war is coming to a close and the force levels are coming down again. Some of the people who fought on the war, will never adjust to being civilians. Some will commit suicide and others will join criminal ranks, some will go crazy. just as when the military is in peacetime.

      You would think that Sol, having served would know this, You would also think he wouldn't be so fast to throw the whole military under the bus:

      "Welcome to the new US military."

      There was a time when the actions of couple of assholes being used to describe the entire US military, was the job of an extremely leftist liberal media, but now Sol who claims to have served is doing it. How strange.

  2. Giving the austerity measures crippling every part of the military, there is an excellent solution to eliminate both problems -- to hit Mexican drugocracy and to prevent soldiers from hitman sidejobs -- why don't offer drone services to drug lords?

    If one drug lord want to kill other drug lord -- he sends ID and location of the target to CIA and a sizeable payment with it -- voila one druglord less, soldiers is saved from tempting sidejobs, and drones becomes cost efficient or even start to earn profits.

  3. Aye, All the young men have Gone Galloglas.

  4. There was actually a really famous Marine who used his USMC marksmanship training on a president. I don't use that man as a judgement on every Marine, nor do I blame the F-35 for the assassination.

    We are all aware that one of the way we got the force as large as we did was with waivers right? Shady fuckers who would have been told to take a hike in other times were welcomed with open arms, because we needed warm bodies.


  5. Welcome to the new US military.

    Using two bad apples to paint the entire US Military? Thanks Huffington Post!

    Oh wait this is Sol's Blog?


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