Thursday, August 15, 2013

Strange article on the F-35.

I don't know this website or the author, but he attempts to make a case for the F-35.  Read it here.  But a tidbit.
As to the marines: What is the need of the marines? They are infantry! The need is to avoid paddling in with a 205 mm howitzer in the rubber dinghy as they cramp the gung-ho style – not to mention the ammunition going in the same way – such a beast makes gun toters REALLY tired just hearing of it. There is no way the US Navy will allow big gun ship within range of the beach (say 30 miles) as lorry mounted Harpoons or such can be hidden anywhere – a garage f.i., and making Old McDonnalds barn a strategic nuclear target is somewhat overdoing it. That is also why the Marines get their Osprey – otherwise they would have kept their Sea Knights forever.
The Harrier does that very well, and it has been operated from farmyards with just a strip (3 actually – the outrigger wheels take two) of pierced steel planking. Doing VTOL. Harriers have high casualties pr. flight hour as they spend a disproportionate time in the most demand phases of flight: Start, landing and bomb run. As to hangar deck having to be kept clean that goes for other planes too. Do you think the daily inspection walk on the deck is done JUST to piss off all the privates – no they look for gum wrappers, bits of rubber lost, nuts and bolts – everything a jet engine hates. Recirculation of hot air (and thus less thrust) IS a problem in all vertical take off with fixed wing aircraft, and is more problematic really for the Marines purpose than the lack of wing lift support.
The F-35C – the VTOL Marine model was NEVER intended as an interceptor and defender of the ship


Ignoring the article for a minute.  I have alerts out for F-35 articles and news.  That alert has been beeping more and more lately.  Maybe its just a bit of increased attention from the blogging/news community or it could be that we're seeing some type of information war going on.

The fight is on, the White House is pushing the Pentagon to make some pretty intense choices (the Pentagon wants to slash personnel, the White House is trying to limit it...probably for political reasons but nevertheless they want to hold the line) and Congress appears ready to hold firm on defense cuts.

The MPC, ACV, GCV, AMPV have all been offered up to the budget Gods.  The JLTV looks to be the next offering and after that I have no idea.

The only thing left will be the F-35.  Its supposedly untouchable.  I'm not so sure.


  1. They cant touch the JSF...many allready build and many costumers...
    Never mind that the F-15,the F-15E and the A-10 will be left without proper replacement...

  2. The Canadian Armed Forces may have to make the same decision as the Pentagon, shitcan the F-35 or give a bunch of pink slips to ground troops.

    I'm sure more than a few of these guys served in Afghanistan too. Pisses me off.


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