Friday, August 30, 2013

Switzerland Defense Committee votes "yes" to Gripen procurement.

via Press Release.
The procurement of Gripen in Switzerland received a strong endorsement this week when the Defence Committee of the Swiss two-chamber parliament's National Council recommended the Gripen deal with a 14-9 vote.

As noted in The Wall Street Journal on Tuesday, the procurement is now expected to continue its journey through the Swiss Parliament, moving to the plenum of the Nationalrat for votation on 11 September.
Good news for SAAB.

I wanna see it come to Red Flag, for the rules to be made public and for us all to see exactly how well it does. 


  1. All 24 of them.....

    The Gripen is in a weird space between an F-5 and a F-16 in weight class.

    1. The Gripen really is the F-5 of the 21st century


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