Remember you heard it here first. I'm probably wrong but I bet we hear about a cruise missile strike on Syria Chemical Facilities sometime between now and the Sunday Morning Talking Head shows. This from the Boston Globe.
ABOARD A MILITARY AIRCRAFT OVER THE PACIFIC — The Pentagon is moving naval forces closer to Syria in preparation for a possible decision by President Barack Obama to order military strikes, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel suggested on Friday.Lets see. We have the President talking about Syria between campaign, excuse me, between policy speeches today....
Hagel declined to describe any specific movements of U.S. forces. He said Obama asked the Pentagon to prepare military options for Syria and that some of those options ‘‘requires positioning our forces.’’
U.S. Navy ships are capable of a variety of military action, including launching Tomahawk cruise missiles, as they did against Libya in 2011 as part of an international action that led to the overthrow of the Libyan government.
‘‘The Defense Department has a responsibility to provide the president with options for contingencies, and that requires positioning our forces, positioning our assets, to be able to carry out different options — whatever options the president might choose,’’ Hagel said.
He said the U.S. is coordinating with the international community to determine ‘‘what exactly did happen’’ in the reported use by the Syrian government of chemical weapons against civilians earlier this week.
‘‘We’re still assessing that,’’ he said.
We have a flurry of talk by the "Washington Intelligentsia" regarding a strike against Syria...
And finally we have the President's poll numbers sinking like the Titanic.
It'll be this weekend or the beginning of next week. I'm personally betting on sooner rather than later...especially with Hagel sticking his head up out of the sand.