Friday, August 09, 2013

The tension between Taiwan and the Philippines has finally ended. via Bantay Spratly.

via BaSp
The tension between Taiwan and the Philippines has finally ended.
This developed after the Taiwanese government lifted its sanctions against the Philippines that were imposed after the shooting death of a Taiwanese fisherman in May.
The move came after Manila Economic and Cultural Office Chairman Amadeo Perez flew to Taiwan Thursday and offered an official apology on behalf of President Benigno Aquino.
Perez personally met the family of the slain fisherman, Hung Shih-cheng.
The apology was accepted and sealed with a handshake by Hung's widow.
Taiwan earlier rejected apologies from the Philippines and imposed a series of sanctions that included a freeze on the hiring of Filipino workers and the suspension of trade and academic exchanges.
Diplomatic tensions eased after the National Bureau of Investigation recommended the filing of homicide charges against Philippine Coast Guard personnel implicated in Hung's death.
In a related development, the Coast Guard says it respects the findings of the National Bureau of Investigation on the incident, which concluded that the filing of homicide and obstruction of justice charges is warranted against 10 Coast Guard personnel involved.
PCG Spokesman Armand Balilo says the legal proceedings will give PCG the opportunity to defend itself in a proper venue.
The PCG pledged legal support for the implicated personnel, who remain under "preventive custody."
So things were really bad between Taiwan and the Philippines.

I'd keep my eye on this one though.

If the Philippine legal system chooses not to or can't convict these Coast Guardsmen then it could flare up all over again.

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