Wednesday, August 14, 2013

This little Bastard! I hope someone shot him in the face. via Tac Blog.


  1. There have been 3 major explosion on a Kilo class Sub of Indian Navy, docked at Naval Dockyard, Mumbai last night...This sub had just returned from Russia after 3 yrs of refitting...Naval sources on INS Sindhurakshak say blast happened due to torpedo explosion in ammo compartment, SOPs not followed during torpedo loading...and It will be of no use now as it has sunk in water....Rest In Peace our bravehearts...! :(

  2. buy Russian= DIE Russian

  3. The NY Jets could use a QB

  4. Absolute fucking legend.

  5. It wasn't what he threw. An IED exploded on the side of the vehicle's wheel as the thing he threw was still airborne.

    1. No, don't look at the black plastic bag
      but what is come out from that

  6. That's an RKG-3 russian anti tank grenade.

  7. Shout him in his face? Why? Killing is natural! Ask your US Soldier! They do it every day, everywhere! So what.

  8. sorry Serdar. no jihad allowed on my page.

  9. Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth.... O.T.

  10. cool. i can live with that. which means...i hope someone shot this little fucker in the face while his mother watched.

    1. And retribution will follow.

      Have you any idea what will follow by eye for an eye, tooth for tooth has? The whole world will go blind. You call me a jihadist? YOU are the Jihadist!

    2. no. i'm a Marine and an American. i take sides in this fight and i choose the side of my nation.

  11. I have norhong to do with jihad or something similar. It's only the truth. They do what you do. Only with other weapons. Hope you have no problems with truth.

    1. i don't have problems with the facts of life, but i do have an issue with those (especially Americans or the citizens of allied nations) that refuse to take a side in the fight. warfare isn't analytical (at least it shouldn't be). warfare is a battle of wills. the most committed wins (along with proper tactics and tech and rules of engagement that allow victory).

      personally i don't give a flying fuck about the middle east. i would counsel leaving those nations and their people to their own devices and let them determine how they want to live. if that means that jihadist take over and subject their people to Islamic law then cool,but at the same time the first time a suicide bomber shows up in the US and we can track the bastard back to the middle east then whatever country he comes from would be turned into glass by nuclear fire.

    2. I like this statement Mr Solomon,
      for any warriors or jihadist they should fight with honor
      NOT with hate and show their respect to the enemy

  12. To be on a side does not mean to be on the right side. Every people out of US know this. Maybe they come a time that you the different between right and wrong.

  13. "warfare is a battle of wills. "

    Come on dude, warfare is an instrument to enforce certain goals. War is not a game, does not matter what your chief commander say.

  14. Germany.

    What is happend to your nation? Their was a time, that US stand for all the good things in world. Why havr you turned?

    1. never met a german citizen named Serdar and i've been all over that country. are you an immigrant? are you one of the arabs that moved to the west and once there decided it better to talk shit about your new home than stay in your old one and fix it?

  15. I am pretty sure that you dont met 82mio citizen, don't you? Iam half-half, but not arabic. Of course, every Arabic is your enemy, so call me, Solomon, why do think that you are better than people (arabic) that you are talking about?

    1. of course i didn't meet the entire population but i did hit many of the larger cities and many villages and never once met a german named Serdar. you're half and half. ok. but your surname belies that. regardless, i've met many greenies from germany so i'll label you as such.

      since i fully put you in the sferrin camp, i'll end this by saying that i disagree with you 100 percent. i think that your adopted country has enough problems of its own and that's not even taking into account the country that one of your parents came from.

      oh and Arabs aren't my enemy. Islamist, Jihadist and those that support them either overtly, covertly or by indifference are.

      you appear to have overt support for the cause so yes. you are my enemy.

  16. Of course, only you can desperate the world in black(enemy) and white friend). So live with it. Good night and good fight!


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