Many of my liberal readers are going to take issue with me but I listened to this several times and each time it rubbed me raw.
At about the 30 second mark the President says "my military" and "our team". Many will blow that off to his speech patterns. I consider it extremely telling. If you want to see a "little Hitler" complex, simply observe a man that is given the power of command without accepting the responsibility of it.
I really believe this entire episode will end badly. Bob sent me a link to an article that is telling. In short we prepare for phase III but not phase IV of other words its easy to do the kinetic stuff, its hard to deal with the aftermath. As rushed as this has been, there is no way anyone has properly ran and planned for all the scenarios if this goes sideways (and moving a MEU(-) into the area is hardly comforting). Thank God Syria is on Europes doorsteps and not ours.