Tuesday, August 13, 2013

What the fuck is going on with the Corps! Marine gets killed at Marine Barracks playing the "trust game"!!!????

via the Washington Post.
A week ago, Lance Cpl. Cody S. Schoenfelder invited his parents to see him at his new job in Washington. The 19-year-old Marine took his South Dakotan parents to the U.S. Capitol and showed them the Marine Barracks complex on Capitol Hill, where he stood sentry.
On Friday evening, authorities say, Schoenfelder shot himself in the head at the barracks buildings in Southeast Washington, where the Marine commandant lives. He died Saturday in what D.C. police say is being investigated as an accident.
Two D.C. police officials said Schoenfelder was shot inside a guard shack and there was a second Marine with him at the time. Investigators are exploring the possibility that a gun accidentally discharged as the Marines were playing the game “Trust,” in which one points a weapon at the other, according to those two officials and a third person in law enforcement, all of whom spoke on the condition of anonymity because the investigation is ongoing.
The Marine’s parents, Nick and Gena Schoenfelder, are waiting for his body to be returned to Huron — a city of 12,000 in South Dakota’s glacial lake and prairie region — where he will be buried. Gena Schoenfelder, 48, said they are awaiting delivery of a report and had not heard details of how the shooting occurred.
“Ever since he was 9 years old, all he talked about was joining the military,” said Nick Schoenfelder, 51. “It was because of 9/11, I thought. He was just a good Midwestern farmboy who wanted to serve his country.”
The D.C. police and Marines released few details of the shooting. It occurred about 6:30 p.m. in the 19th-century barracks complex known as 8th and I, for the streets that intersect at its main entrance. Police said the shooting happened near the 1000 block of Seventh Street SE, near a gated entrance to the grounds.
The Marine Corps is in a tailspin.   The fact that a Junior Marine could die in this manner is some 1970's bullshit.  This shouldn't be happening in todays Marine Corps.  Someone is dropping the ball.  We're not talking about a murder suicide where a Commanding Officer (who could not possibly know that this was about to occur) was relieved of command....This isn't some Marines on a gun line trying to cut corners so that they can get rounds down range faster.  This is a negligent discharge just a few feet from the Commandants Home.  Yeah.  This is bullshit.

Consider this.  Change Agents always push  change as the end result, never attempting to figure out how an organization gets to that end state.

The term "disruptive" is all the rage today.  Disruptive environments.  Disruptive planning.

What these Change Agents and Disruptive Gurus fail to tell the sheep that try and adopt their policies is that Change/Disruption is chaotic.

Maybe I'm being alarmist but take a look at what the Marine Corps has been hit with, and what its going and about to go through and tell me that it isn't approaching chaos.

We need new leadership.

Amos has to go.


  1. Replies
    1. There only a few ex-Marines, Garwood, Oswald and Murtha stand out.
      Solomon doesn't fit those descriptions.
      At the end of the Vietnam era The Marine Corps also went through this miasma of draw down under James Earl Carter POTUS.
      Race riots, the Dap, Mutiny by Naval personnel the Corps was literally full of more shit than good Marines.
      It won't be like this forever.
      The wrong people are in charge that's what's wrong and these people have a vision so magnificent they cannot pay proper attention on maintaining good order and discipline in the ranks.
      Their vision and their IDEOLOGY take precedent over good sense and Force Protection.
      It's all about their willingness to go gay, girl and make it all Muslim friendly. It's all about being punished for being Marines by the liberal douches currently in charge.
      What I want to know are:
      1. what was these two Marines sexual preference.
      2. Their religious persuasion's.
      3. Their races.
      Then I could make an half assed guess at what brought those pistols out of their holsters when not actually needed.

    2. you're exactly right.

      this is so insane that it boggles the mind. THIS IS SUPPOSE TO BE A COVETED POSITION WITH THE MARINES HANDPICKED!

      this is the cream of the crop from MP school and SOI????? just plain wow.

      shit is jacked up from the floor up. i want to get confirmation but supposedly they did a diversity poll or whatever its called and now they're asking Marines whether or not its helping pull the Marine Corps apart!

      what happened when the only thing that mattered was being a good Marine, regardless of race or color or sex?????


    3. Young Marine does something stupid?! Its the Apocalypse alright. We need a new CMC that will prevent any Marines from doing anything stupid ever again.

      As soon as that bastard Amos is gone, we can start pissing rainbow napalm again on battle unicorns just like the old corps.

    4. what happened when the only thing that mattered was being a good Marine, regardless of race or color or sex?????

      Coming from the guy who rails against gays and women in the USMC?

  2. A soldier never, ever points a gun at friendlys. Period.

    1. A soldier isn't a Marine and vice versa. Period.

  3. Maybe I'm being alarmist

    LOL you think?

    Have you looked at the stats for non combat deaths? is it higher? lower? average?

    I remember in 1998 the stats showed the most dangerous thing to a US Marine was falling asleep behind the wheel. That killed more 19 year old Lance Corporals than anything, including alcohol and drugs.

    What you are doing is trying to go through the headlines and pick what you think are trends. If we did the same thing with guns, you would be convinced that guns are only used by people in crimes.

    Leadership can't prevent everything. This was a problem before, it will be a problem after. Young men (Yes, even Marines) do inexplicably stupid shit. No amount of leadership is going to stop that. Suicide, drugs, alcohol, marrying too young, and yes stupidity with firearms, are par for the course.

    Its like the guy who divorces his wife because he is tired of hearing her complain. Let me tell you, if you have a wife who isn't complaining-- she's cheating on you. If you are married, she will complain. I don't want a Marine Corps with zero defects. It means we are just sleeping all day in the barracks.

    If you want to prevent gun deaths take away all the guns. Car deaths? take away all the cars, ground all the airplanes, and dry dock the ships.

    Just so I understand: if Amos goes, silly tragic shit like this will never happen again on the next man's watch? I just need to know if thats what you are trying to say, because it sounds like that, and I think you need to prepare yourself for disappointment when the next commandant comes in and things like this still happen. Or, he does something even more stupid (like to prevent accidents like this orders all weapons unloaded) in which case its preventing deaths at the cost of what Marines should be trusted with, which is more fatal to morale than men, but they would surely prevent this.

    Sometimes its best that "leadership" AKA command doesn't try to "fix" shit.

  4. I respectfully ask you to let the investigation take its course. This young man was an exceptional member of our community from a tremendous family. Please do not speculate and say vicious things which will further the pain and suffering. Right now this is nothing less than a tragedy. Thank you from a son of an 84 year-old Marine.


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