Wednesday, September 18, 2013

82nd Airborne Division Spirit Video

A few things...

*America's Guard of Honor?  Never heard them called that before.
*Good to see that the General did have rubber knees while standing in the door.  Fuck!  Good to see the General actually jumping!
*They finally started jumping the T-11s.  Good.  Injuries should go down.
*Go Army, Beat Wake Forest?  Really?  Seriously?  Lame.


  1. Para's are cool. Unless the weather doesn't cooperate with the landing zone. Or landing zone candidates are't good enough for an operation.

  2. Video ? You want video ?? way of a roundabout note, Sol. Have you looked at this video:

    More text at

    1. well acquainted with the info. impressive. makes modern day privateers possible. doesn't change the equation for the MEU and the MEB or MEF will have a carrier or two or three available for help.

  3. In response to ship-killers of every shape and deployment your response is to bring in more ships - and really close to the launchers ??

    On Capitol Hill, in a fiscally-contracting environment one burning LHD could soon put an end to 'amphibious thinking' in general and thus the core-mission of USMC.

    And yet you propose the 'in-your-face' school of zero-surprise warfare ?!
    Which doctrine are you reflecting there ?

    Mid-level+ Active-Duty Marines I've talked to would disagree something fierce with your approach, once an alternative is on the table. These Marines don't dismiss. They look for ways to maximize the opportunities...

  4. I watched all the way to end and yet there was no armoured counter attack to mop them up. BOO!!


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