Friday, September 06, 2013

A vivid illustration of the differences via TacBlog.

 Wow.  I don't have any other words that properly describe this except wow...and well done.


  1. Lucky then that no women
    - have served
    - are serving,
    - have been killed,
    - been maimed,
    - been POVs
    nor would ever do or suffer any of these things !

    Too much MADMEN perhaps.

    Seems very retro from an earlier stage of societal evolution when certain 'leaders' messed up life for everybody by cherishing strictly enforced (and self-destructive) Hierarchies of Human Worth.

    1. hows it coming on getting your ship to shore connector in front of Navy leadership? stay focused. straying into areas that clearly demonstrate a bias toward an agenda will certainly not serve you well when you have to present "new" ideas to leadership filled with "madmen" or are you going to roll the dice and wait for enlightened leadership in the form of a Hillary Clinton Presidency?????

    2. Assumptions, assumptions, assumptions.
      As the old Army Col said: "...makes an A...out of you and me..."

    3. i made no assumptions. i asked a question. and i doubt that an old Army Col was the first to make that statement and if he was an old Army Col i'd bet that he said ass instead of "makes an A"...

    4. You know, there is a fair number of middle and upper-level folks in uniform that can make it through the day without reference to various options of word-choices that sooner or later refer to body-parts and bodily functions. And he was not that old actually.

      To read by 2013 "Wow. I don't have any other words that properly describe this except wow...and well done" about an upside-down display of a rather limited view of social and societal structures is a bit astonishing. Same stuff some folks said about the likely combat-capability of folks-of-color, relative 'irishness' if recruiting from Brahman-times Boston, etc.

      This should all be dead-&-buried by now. And of course it will be within the foreseeable future as Combat-Ribbon-decorated women move into combat-related flag-officer positions in growing numbers, with a fair number in the pipeline.

      That hackneyed sequence of images together with the labels is not exactly anybody's finest hour. Of course, you can count on a certain daily number of instances of the apparently irrepressible urge to self-denigrate in public.

  2. Different Culture, Different Tribes. Its a wonder we can co-exist. The women that can hack it in the military are an exception, not the rule. This isn't meant to demean women in any way but the fact is that we are wired differently by thousands of years of evolution. It is at our peril that we ignore that fact for the sake of political correctness.
    I, for one, have come to conclusion that women can serve in our military but only if the rules and requirements, that have been perfected and honed by combat experience, are followed equally by both sexes.
    In my unit, there were men that couldn't hack it, and they moved on to different jobs. I'm sure there are some women that could pull it off and if so they would be welcomed for their skills and professionalism.
    But to try and pretend that both sexes are the same or equal in all regards flies in the face of logic and experience.
    Its easy to fight wars on paper or in blogs but no plan survives contact with the enemy. We are well to remember that.

  3. Only in certain particular versions of (yep-here-it-comes) HIStory.

    A broader assessment of historic data-sets would suggest a great deal of diversity across jobs presumed to be 'gender-specific'.

    I won't unhinge the server and 'Madman' Sol but there is for instance one (culturally nearby !) North-West European case of a whole bunch of welsh women miners working on their Black Lung as much as any of their brothers.

    As civilized/informed folks get to correct past blatant attempts at slanted history, 'Madmen' nostalgists may not find comfort even in the darkest of medieval days.


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