The latest news on the AAV replacement is not encouraging. It appears that the decision on the list of requirements for this vehicle will again be delayed. Additionally, and I'm admittedly reading between the lines, but it seems that even the upgrade for the AAV is in jeopardy. Make no mistake about it. The F-35 has destroyed the Marine Corps budget to such a degree that Marines will be riding into combat in a 50 year old vehicle with inadequate armor, firepower, communication and imaging gear. The F-35 for the USMC has turned into a threat to the institutions very existence. Read the entire article from Defense News but a few tidbits...
“I’m only going to get one bite at this apple — I don’t want to mess this up,” Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Jim Amos told reporters in June in a direct nod to the limited patience that Congress and Pentagon budget makers now have for programs that eat up too much time and money. (This is laughable considering the mess that is the F-35 program.)Its really simple though.
Under current, pre-sequester plans, the Marines say they want the ACV to enter service between fiscal 2020 and 2022, with the Corps acquiring 573 of the amtracs. Since trade studies are ongoing, no cost estimates are available either from the Corps or industry, sources contacted for this story said.
The Marine Corps did not respond to requests for comment.
The caution that the Corps’ leadership is practicing with this program can be seen not only in the extended trade studies but also in the fact that the request for proposal widely expected to be released last fall doesn't appear to be coming any time soon, given that the latest trade study still has months to go.
The Marine Corps has prioritized an airplane over providing armored protection to its ground forces.