Saturday, September 14, 2013

American Mercenary false status symbols.

I've had a chance to go to a few Army schools.

The funniest thing to see is to watch them when two Alpha types approach each other (rank immaterial) and to observe the quick dick measuring that goes on.

What the fuck am I talking about?

I'm talking about the cursory examination of each other to see who has what skill badges, tabs etc...  No Jump wings when talking to a paratrooper?  Subhuman leg or a Marine.  No Ranger tab?  Subhuman slacker or a Marine.  No Air Assault wings?  Subhuman leg, slimy Paratrooper (that doesn't have the good sense to go to Air Assault School) or a Marine.

I picked up the "measuring dicks" metaphor from an Army buddy that explained what was going on when I asked him why guys were checking each other out so hard (I was mystified...the old Corps way is to be as buff as possible, make sure your uniform is squared away and eye contact was essential or you're passive and weak).  Well American Mercenary takes it all on when talking about the Ranger Tab.  Check it out here and let me know what you think.

Now I know I'm old.  Dick measuring in this instance was a metaphor to see who was the biggest baddest fucker in the room.  I forgot that homosexuality is now mainstream and that liberal or gay readers might take it as a literal occurrence that happened between warfighters. I stand corrected and will be much more aware of the changing cultural norms and the way that liberal, non-military, or homosexual readers will take my words.  My apologies to American Mercenary.  I had no idea that an honest reflection of a conversation from long ago would be twisted in such a way.  I assure you that I've learned from this and will never recount a telling of any incident (something I've shied away from) because it will inevitably be misconstrued, purposefully twisted to mean something else or all of the above but with malicious intent.


  1. I was pretty proud when I got my certificate for taking a class at the supply squadron. DD Form 1348-6 and AF Form 2005 baby!

    1. i don't even know what that is Eric but that's what American Mercenary's article is all about. did you do your job to standards and do your utmost to exceed them? were you a good human being that wasn't always in the 1st Sgts office with him dragging you down to the CO because you were a trouble maker and a drain on command time. did you live up to the code that everyone is taught?

      if you did then you did your part. if you're a shit head it doesn't matter if you have a Ranger Tab, have an Eagle Globe and Anchor or if you graduated first from the BRC or went to RTL Course.

  2. Geez Sol, really sucks when we've got to be mindful of what we write, because we might offend someone. What happened to the old adage, "If you don't like what's on, change the channel"?

    1. if it was just my words and i hadn't linked my thinking to another guys then i would have cussed the bastard out and told him not to ever grace my in box with his presence but i did accidentally put a great article by American Mercenary in the spot light.

      for that i'm sorry and i'm sorry that my obviously ill advised story might have brought him embarrassment. his article was spot on, well written and without any of the nonsense you tolerate from me on my pages.

      thats why i put all this down but just between you and me. yeah bro. this irks me bad. i keep thinking that this is like a conversation between like minded individuals and i see we have lurkers creeping into the mix...either that or new age service members.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. I love the story about a World War 2 vet from the 82nd Airborne that was visiting Fort Bragg and asked a couple of young Airborne troopers how many jumps they had had. They both said about 30-40 jumps each. They asked the vet how many he had had and were told five: Sicily, Salerno, Normandy, Holland, and the Ruhr (detached to the 17th Airborne). The young troopers got real quiet after that.

    1. well said. we chest thump about anything but have nothing on the originals. those guys were real deal crusty.

  4. The Best schools are the French Foreign Legion. Only a few Men can make it past the 1st 5 years of enlistment. They have the toughest training known to man

  5. I don't understand, I must have got to the post late, is "dick measuring contest" offensive to someone now? Are there people who don't understand the metaphor and it upset them somehow?

    1. yeah. welcome to the brave new world. we're gonna catch hell unless it changes back...or better yet just don't travel to the Northeast or Kalifornia.

  6. No offense taken, the "dick measuring" is also known as "The Infantry Butt Sniff" when checking to see if the other guy has a Ranger Tab, CIB, etc.

    My appologies to any actual butt sniffers out there ;-)

  7. I once met an Australian SAS guy at a BBQ that was full of other regular and reserve ADF personnel.

    He was the only non-military looking guy (longer hair!) and I only clocked him because he was so 'artful' at dodging out of any photos that were being taken - perhaps a little too good at it.

    I poked fun at him by asking if his wife complained that she had no good photos of him. He claimed to not know what I was talking about, but shrugged and smiled when I merely suggested that everyone I met from Swanbourne wasn't particularly photographic for some odd reason. And no, his wife didn't have any good/recent photos of him and wasn't happy about it!

    The big men don't need to advertise or measure dicks.


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