Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Amos on sequestration.

Note:  I half read an article and thought that Amos didn't speak before the HASC because no hard numbers were identified on systems to be cut.

I was wrong.  The only thing is that Amos didn't spell out any numbers at all.  He talked about personnel cuts but as far as weapon systems are concerned he didn't outline anything.  Interesting but understandable.

Its the Marine Corps way.

Cut people before systems.  It has been and probably always will be that way.  What does this mean though?  Hold on to your Record Books.  Amos is saying 174,000, I said 150,000 but the floor might even be lower.  We have F-35's in the pipeline, MV-22s, soon CH-53Ks and then we MIGHT get around to buying an ACV.  Budgets are gonna be wrecked for the foreseeable future.  People cost and people are the first to go in Marine Land.  His testimony is below.

1 comment:

  1. 1. People are being replaced by systems, plus the industrial base must be preserved.

    2. Extended (and unsuccessful) land wars are so yesterday.

    Admiral James Winnefeld, VCJCS:
    "We’ve seen very recently that the American people are very wary of getting into an extended war of any type,” Winnefeld said, in a veiled reference to Syria. “We should take to heart three principles that [Maj. Gen.] Fox Conner imparted to Eisenhower and Marshall when they were both young officers: never fight unless you have to, never fight alone, and never fight for long.”

    “I’m talking about a national commitment on a large scale to a long-term combat operation,” Winnefeld said when a skeptical soldier pressed him on the point during the question-and-answer session. “We just don’t see that happening in the near future. But we do need to hedge that bet by keeping enough capacity in case that’s wrong.”


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