Friday, September 20, 2013

BAE at the Maneuver Conference

The US Army had their Maneuver Conference at Ft. Benning a couple of weeks ago.  I've been looking high and low for reports about the various displays but its been almost non-existent.  Even the major manufacturers aren't putting out press releases on their participation there. Maybe its a issue with how they want to present themselves to the public but the only place that seemed to have any info on it was...wait for it...World of Tanks Blog, THE CHIEFTAIN'S HATCH.  The pics below are from that blog.

Sidenote:  What made the Army decide to move Tanks down to Ft. Benning instead of keeping them at Ft. Knox?  Hell, Soldiers would hate it but Ft. Irwin would have made more sense.

Sidenote 1:  I wonder what the bill to BAE is to move all that armor to these exhibitions?  Its got to be a small fortune.

Like the Chieftain's Hatch Blog said, there is alot going on with the turret of that Bradley!  I'd love a rundown of exactly what they have on it.


  1. The Armor Center's move to Benning was done under BRAC to reduce training centers from 4 to 5, and thus save money. It was called the largest construction project in the southeastern U.S. in 2009. The original estimate of the cost of saving money was $773.1 million which grew to $3.5 billion. /s

    The consolidation of armor and infantry training does make sense from a combined arms training point of view. It's like love and marriage, you can't have one w/o the other -- armor and infantry.

    1. Make that 5 to 4, while I take my anti-dyslectic pill.

  2. Beside the Bradley it looks like BAE is showing off their M113 replacement.

  3. The Bradley turret looks like it is the "Bradley 2.0" upgrades based on the Bradley Urban Survival Kit (BUSK) "1.5" setup plus an added FLIR unit.

  4. Armour should have stayed at Ft Knox and Ft Irwin. It would have made sense for them.


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