Wednesday, September 04, 2013

BAE MPC screen captures.

Note:  BAE appears to be fighting behind the scenes to get their vehicle into production.  Quite honestly I expected the same from Lockheed Martin with the Patria, but it doesn't appear to be the case.  LM has turned full bore to supporting the F-35 at the expensive of all their other divisions.  So be it.  We need the Marine Personnel Carrier.  The Commandant can die in a ditch, we need the BAE/Iveco MPC.

If by chance we can somehow get this vehicle into service, I have the perfect nickname.  Juggernaut All Terrain Heavy Assault Vehicle.  Star Wars Fans will go wild.


  1. Heck there are dump trucks almost as big as the Juggernaut, we could totally build a few! No good against an enemy with good arty or airpower but it would scare the hell out of insurgent enemies! Also it needs equipment to dock with the big cargo airships that have off and on been in development! And Modular! If we have to have defense department boondoggles, we may as well have an Interesting Boondoggle! I better shut up before they build one with a barracks module so that the ladies won't have to ruck march on movements....

  2. Going wild, whohooooooo!!! Next phase, the dreaded AT-AT!

  3. I kind of disagree, The F-35B will be fully procured by 2025 and the USMC's ACV and FANG prototypes will be done by 2020. So unless we go into large scale war with a peer opponent in the next 10 years jumping the gun over the next vehicle will just leave you with an inferior vehicle than waiting a little while and letting the nerds take the time to really draw it right.


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