Thursday, September 05, 2013

BAE/Iveco Marine Personnel Carrier to be displayed at the 2013 Maneuver Conference

Absolutely Amazing.

Way to go Army.

Way to twist the knife.  I don't even know if they're serious or not, but when I got word that the Marine Personnel Carrier was going to make an appearance at the 2013 Maneuver Conference, I swallowed hard, sat up a bit straighter in my chair and said Holy Bat Shit loud enough to get some stares from the more genteel persons sitting near me.

Even if the Army decides against testing the vehicle, the Marine Corps is being put on notice.

We won't be the only ground force operating in the Pacific.  The Army is making serious plans to gear up for the fight in that region too.

Sidenote:  Despite all the talk of budget cuts the US Govt will protect what remains of our manufacturing base.  That means that heavy vehicle plants will find work.  BAE seems like its getting ready to fight for some of  that work.  It might be just a dribble, but even a little can keep valuable design teams together.  That alone will be worth the investment.

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