Friday, September 13, 2013

Blast from the past. T77 Heavy Tank.

This vehicles nomenclature seems to vacillate online between being called the T77 or T54.  Either way its a wonderfully obscure vehicle that was in development for US forces.

But of more interest is where the "heritage" for old armored concepts is being kept.

Would you believe World Of Tanks?  Spots like WOT and AboveTopSecret mixed in with the various modeling forums are the true treasures of the internet.  Check them out.  


  1. WoT took my senior year of college away from me. That game is as addictive as drugs.

  2. I'm on it now... grinding up to the ISU-152 :)

    1. i'm thinking of playing but the forum makes it seem newbie unfriendly. i can see me getting vaporized quite a bit.

    2. Alright, I'm getting on, Spudman.

      Sol, if you get on let me know what name you pick. There are always new players joining and you start off in the tier one matches with them before working your way up. It's pretty easy to get the hang of after a few matches.

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