Sunday, September 01, 2013

China's proposed Nicaragua Canal.

While both of our political parties seem to relish the role of the US playing Global Policeman, China is quietly and efficiently gaining status through a real free trade scheme.

They've played the game perfectly in Africa and are steadily cornering the market in precious minerals.  Now they're taking the game to Central America.

The Chinese are planning to build a "SUPER" canal through Nicaragua.  Besides being large enough to allow a carrier to pass through it, it also will bring economic vitality to the Nicaraguan people.

China is drinking our milkshake.  Read about it here.

Information on the corporation that is going to do the work can be found here.


  1. You may be right Sol the canal will probably be built, but as my old Business Communications instructor use to say “Never post anything to the internet without doing your research first” and my Info Tech instructor “Never speak in absolutes unless you have all the facts”.

    It seems more like China is drinking the Kool-Aid rather than the milkshake.

    1. The canal, big deal. This actually is the big takeaway for me from that IBTimes link:

      "According to it, Nicaragua gave the Chinese company a concession of 100 years to complete and use the project."

      A hundred year concession. Wow. Quite a step back from the post-colonial mindset.

  2. As the president of Panama says, A canal in Nicaragua?? there are big Earthquakes and Hurricanes over there, nothing of that happens in Panama that is expanding its existing canal.


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