Friday, September 20, 2013

Future Russian Carrier illustration via War Machine.


  1. Interesting. Some technology transfer from France to Russia, but the Russians still use a ski-jump. Or two, looks like.

    1. Its certainly an 'interesting' design if I must say so myself. It looks quiet wide relative to its length (Meaning a smaller end carrier) and has two islands. I don't know how much it would cost for them to put catobar on, but I think if this is on the smaller side a skijump might be better. Also maintainin What doy you guys think of the design? Hehehe it will be interesting to see the cost and if they try and export :D.

  2. With navalized PAK-FAs and new MiG-29Ks it's bound to pack a punch. Is it supposed to be nuclear powered? I would also like to know what defense shields it will have built into the carrier.

    1. Found a better image, There are 7 CWIS/AA like systems, 6x12VLS, 2X8 somethings (large vls?), 3x12 P700 Granit ASMS (500KM+ nuclear capable). The two sets of starboard side VLS are different dimensions from the Portside, the large squares on the rear portside do not look like hatches (no idea what they are). Additionally there is virtually no CIWS cover on the portside of the ship. Compare this too the admiral kuznetsov.

      >I do not believe the russians would make such a capital ship so undefended concerning missile intercept (Just look at all their other capital ships).

  3. It does seem a bit wider than what we have been accustomed to see from carriers, interesting design if it is really something the Russians are looking at. It probably would pack a very similar punch to current US air wings that are nowhere near the size that they use to be. No point in building such a huge carrier if you are only going to embark 40 fighters....

  4. Not related to this article, but I thought you might be interested in this Solomon.

    Found this on ComNavOps blog.

    1. Col. Fuquea is explicitly ignoring the LCU-F... Why ? Any solid discussion on amphibious assault operations would include the concept. Since there are no well-deck capable ASV-machines in anybody's use, they would be as 'conceptual' as LCU-F.

      Surface-effect machine have been looked at within NAVSEA and found to be lacking the utility Col. Fuquea still seems to hope for.

      Four challenges to his thinking:
      - 1. These machines are too sprawling for the given lift-capability, meaning no chance ever of showing up at the shore with enough GCE-punch;
      - 2. Very power/fuel-intensive, seriously limiting range and self-deployment options;
      - 3. Not exactly stealthy with massive IR-plumes and a fair amount of 'white-water';
      - 4. Arguing for greater OTH-distance is appropriate, but how would he get the AH/UH to the theater with enough fuel to support the GCE advancing ??

      Finally, the Russian DYUGON type he mentions is neither ASV nor would do the quoted speed in full combat-load in that forward-centered cargo-deck.

      All these challenges are however addressed by LCU-F.

    2. One surprising angle is that Col. Fuquea appears prefer the probity and stellar record of verisimilitude of Russian Mil-Propaganda over for instance NAVSEA's findings on ASVs ?!

  5. Not related to topic on hand but to China which is usually in discussion with Sol:

    Not sure what to make of this proposal, first time I hear that China wants to negotiate....

  6. Non nuclear powered carrier is a joke in modern environment. Cut fuel supply and carrier stranded. And ski jump is a sign of absence of steam catapult, and since steam catapult powered by nuclear reactor, this is not a nuclear carrier.

    And russian military is a joke, all thats left is soviet materiel, and soviet era developments projects(like PAK FA), which were going twenty years ahead of the time.

    Since 1991 USSR dissolution passed 22 years, finita la comedia, projects from soviet archives of 22 years old now becomes outdated. For a few years, not more than five though, some projects would arise in various fields (USSR had very good science resources), and then nihil, zero, black hole, all new college/universities graduates bought their degrees, they can't do anything except bribing and stealing.

    Maybe Russia will buy british and french carriers, both of them, france and gb did not need them anyway, behold!


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