Sunday, September 29, 2013

Warning! Extremely Graphic! Sniper in Syria kills 2 Rebels with one shot.

338 or 50 cal.  One second you're the hunter.  The next you're the prey.

Note:  Thanks to JR for the new link after YouTube pulled the first vid...

Note 1:  If you die first we're dividing your stuff.


  1. Don't wear white striped shirts in the combat zone, dude. I know they don't issue uniforms, but find some tan or gray to wear and cover your head so it doesn't leave a silhouette shaped like.... your head.

  2. Just got removed, I have to say urban warfare can be quiet messy (especially against entrenched highly trained forces).

    1. interesting. i find it more disgusting to see fat chicks walking around with rolls hanging out and back tittties.

  3. its still on this link, that fsa is just a collection of idiots, how they ever hope to win is beyond me

    And actually there religious fanaticm scares me more then assad ever did

  4. Our enemies fighting our enemies. -2 good job sniper!

    1. very good point. quite honestly we should just seek to contain Syria. not stop it. this can bleed the idiots in that region for a generation and it could draw all the terrorist world wide to one killing field.

      we should monitor it and when a big fish shows up then launch a tomahawk strike...otherwise, have fun fools.


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