Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Has the MLP already morphed into an Afloat Forward Staging Base?

Excuse me one second while I shout from the roof tops yelling I TOLD YA SO!!!!

What the hell am I talking about?  I'm talking about the MLP.  I stated earlier that the MLP was a ship without a real plan, I stated that all three would instead be gifts to SOCOM to be used as Afloat Forward Staging Bases instead.

I got laughed at.  I was told by some "in the know" that I was wrong.  Well check this out from Admiral Greenert (basically the only person on the JCS worthy of the uniform) at the House Armed Service Committee.
Navy: This is drawn from Adm. Greenert’s statement to the HASC.
One Virginia class submarine would be canceled.
Work on the first replacement for the Ohio-class nuclear missile submarines — SSBN-X — would be delayed fiscal from 2021 by one year, leaving the United States with a gap in the most crucial part of the nuclear triad.
One Littoral Combat Ship would not be bought.
Some 11 tactical aircraft – four EA-18Gs, one F-35C, one E-2D, two P-8As, three MH-60s and “about 400 weapons.”
One Afloat Forward Staging Base (AFSB) would not be bought.
Delivery of the USS GERALD R. FORD (CVN-78) would be delayed by two years, raising questions about whether the Navy could keep the requisite number of carriers at sea as needed.
He's talking about what will not be bought if sequestration sticks.

He's talking AFSB, not MLP.

The Marine Corps bought a toy and didn't know what to do with it.  Now the Navy is cleaning up our mess.

Freaking insane.


  1. hmm, the most worrying is the Ford delay.

    That carrier is needed ASAP.

  2. well not so fast, YES the USN wants a new AFSB to replace the USS Ponce, but I agree the using the MLP design is a very dumb idea. Why not just by the Dutch Karel Dorman JSS which is reportedly going up for sale before it is finished? I already know the answer NIH

    1. yeah but the Navy is on the hook for three ships that no longer fit with the future way of war so they have to do something. sounds like the Navy found the funds to turn them into AFSBs.

    2. I am often amazed at the ignorance of those putting themselves forward as wise men. Let's start with why no the the Doorman (or another Ponce, or an LSD etc.?) The MLP is a flexible commercial grade platform to add blocks as needed. It's twice the ship (size) at less cost. With the base ship you don't buy what you don't need. It's just a tanker hull with Flo Flo capability. At minimum a vehicle deck (big old square barge) is put on for moving roll on roll off cargo. (trucks). To this docks for connectors (landing craft, LCAC, boats are loaded on the big flat floflo deck. That's a base MLP period. It is intended to be modified as needed at low price. For example. An Accommodation Barge (Google it. think deep sea oil worker platform) can float right up on the middle deck and you have a fully functional 300 man hotel. cheap... Slap a helo platform (like a jack up sea platofrm) and you have a helo pad ... if you need it. If you don't then float the dang thing off the deck,... it's still a MLP. The AFSB is nothing more than an MLP, and it is still an MLP!! with a couple mission barges floated on it for a specific need.

      Among other things this approach frees Navy Class amphib ships to more hostile environment missions. LHD can be a small STOVL aircraft carrier and lilly pad for shore deployments BECAUSE the MLP system is providing the old amiphib work spaces. In low intensity situations the MLP frees up the LHD to free up an Aircraft Carrier.

      The AFSB is an MLP is an AFSB is an MLP ... and they are low cost fleet leverage enablers.


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