Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Humanitarian Defense. The death of the concept.

via the Urban Dictionary.
From the roots, defend + human; Humanitarian Defense is the taking of proactive action to defend human rights and the lives and well being of people. Humanitarian defense actions go beyond simply providing aid, medical treatment and supplies to victims, they take action to prevent and/or reverse the actions that caused the victimization. These actions may take the form of the direct protection of people, the building of programs and offering support to people/governments on the verge of victimization and bold actions to help victims recover from derogatory events. Term credited to the international non-profit, non-governmental organization; Humanitarian Defense Inc.
A Humanitarian Defense operation is one in which an organization, group or government intervenes on behalf of a group of innocent people that are being attacked, victimized or killed and takes direction action to stop said actions.
I never thought I would see this day.

Liberal or Progressive Groups have (at least for the past few years) been pushing the idea that in addition to wars that are strictly tied to National Security, the only other legal warfare should be wars in which we're conducting Humanitarian Defense of "world citizens".

But with the debate over Syria heating up here in the US and with the Brits effectively shooting down the idea, we're seeing the practical end of the humanitarian defense concept.

Susan Rice and Samantha Powers championed the concept inside the administration so its ironic that their biggest success with it (Libya) proved to be one of the factors that helped kill it.



    Somalia would be a good weapon to bring up by those who oppose intervention in Syria.

    1. Somalia is easily refuted on a whole host of grounds. extremely restrictive rules of engagement, a terrible mix between the military and NGOs (which still my opinion if the military is in the area then we don't need other govt or NGOs playing in the battlespace..especially the DEA, USMarshals etc...)

    2. Well sure, for people who know about that kind of thing. But for the average citizen, are they going to know enough to understand the nuances of why Somalia failed? Or are is their education going to stop at mutilated bodies of American servicemen being dragged through the streets by angry Muslims? And would they trust Government enough to believe Syria would be any different?

    3. well...when you say it like that! damn good point!

  2. Explaining Somalia is EASY

    General on the ground wanted to rock up in Tanks, IFVs and APCs with AC130s flying top cover.
    President across the world made him send men out in Humvees with scout helicopters flying topcover.

  3. Kinda like the Comic books Justice league with Green Hornet, Superman and such.
    Liberals do not deal with reality as the rest of the world deals with reality, liberals discard real world reality and only concern their efforts with their own fantasized reality which follows scripts written by Hollywood.
    Seeing the world as they wish it to be instead of the way it is and screaming in denial when shown how wrong these ideas are, narcissistic personalities all.

  4. Zebra
    I do wonder if Obama is genuinely confused as to why Russia didnt change when he announced a "reset"


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