Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Iranian Navy says what I've been worried about. If we strike Israel will be the main loser.

via Free Beacon.
The Iranian Navy unveiled on Tuesday a new warship equipped with “advanced weapons and radar systems” and warned that Israel would be the “main loser” if America decides to launch a military strike in Syria, according to regional media reports.
Iranian Navy commander Habibollah Sayyari announced that Iran had overhauled a warship, installing new radar and weapons systems that would “improve its performance and fire power,”according to Iran’s state run Fars News Agency.
“The warship needed an overhaul and equipment with the state of the art and novel technologies and therefore the warship’s weapons have been modernized,” Sayyari was quoted as saying by Fars.
“Sonar and radar systems, weapons and information-gathering sensors of the warship” have been significantly upgraded, according to Sayyari.
Iranian military leaders also announced on Tuesday that the military had enhanced its “electronic warfare” capabilities by testing a domestically made radar system that can reportedly detect “stealth targets and cruise missiles,” according to Fars.
The military announcements come as the Obama administration attempts to convince Congress of the need for a targeted U.S. strike in Syria, where President Bashar al Assad stands accused of using chemical weapons on opposition fighters and civilians.
Iran has served as the Assad regime’s top regional defender, providing diplomatic and military cover for the embattled leader.
When President Barack Obama first hinted at a possible strike on Syria, Iranian leaders quickly promised to support retaliatory strikes on Israel, which it claimed would be the “first victim” of any U.S. strike against Assad.

You still think that test of the ABM system today was regularly scheduled as the Pentagon says or an unscheduled test of systems in case this thing goes sideways?

People are saying this will lead to WW3.  I don't think so.  A major regional war?  Yeah.  I can see that.  Why else would Obama seek Congressional approval unless that was one of the scenarios laid at his feet by the Chairman of the JCS?


  1. and Hezbollah is mobilizing.


    "In southern Beirut - also a Hezbollah stronghold and the site of two car bombs targeting the group in recent months - residents said that more experienced fighters had been replaced at local checkpoints by teenage recruits, indicating that Hezbollah veterans had been moved elsewhere.

    Just a day before, Al-Akhbar reported that the "Syrian army has mobilized units that have not participated until now in the conflict," adding that "the Islamic resistance (Hezbollah) has called on all its officers and members to man their positions."

    if true, they are moving to a war-footing.

  2. Besides Israel's very modern surface fleet, she has 4 Dolphin –Class subs. These are modern diesel-electric subs that I am sure are laughing at the recent Iranian announcement.

    History is rife with Iran making claims of “super weapons” that turn out to be nothing more than photo-shopping, warmed-over old technology, locally produced copies of previously purchased equipment, etc. I am fairly sure this will turn out to be the same.

    1. dude are you really this literal in your thinking? Iran isn't going to fight us conventionally! we'd heel stomp their throats in a heartbeat and they know it. but Hezbollah lighting up Israel? yeah they'd do that. launch some missiles at Qatar? possible. send some of their Republican Guards to Syria to support Assad? yeah i can see that. have Hezbollah blow up lebanon? yeah.

      so the point isn't about a conventional attack its about all the asymmetric attacks that they can launch which can set the region on fire and lead to a wider war.

    2. I don't disagree, but the point of the story was to tout the ship, which will play no likely part in a successful strike on Israel.

    3. the IRGC and Hezbollah already each have a brigade+ fighting in Syria. Iraqi Shia's are crossing into Iran, get 8 weeks of training in rudimentary tactics and weapon skills by the IRGC, and are then flown to Syria to guard Holy Sites.

      but northern Israel could likely see a massive bombardment by Hezbollah rockets. Whether it has any effect, we'll see. If that happens, the IDF will light up Syria and southern Lebanon.

  3. I'm not sure why we look at Syria as separate from Iran? Syria is a client state of Iran. If Assad goes down Hezbollah is drastically weakened and has it's long term survival in Lebanon become questionable. It would be beyond stupid for Hezbollah to attack Israel at this time for any number of reasons.

    For one thing Israel knows it's going to invade Hezbollah land in southern Lebanon for round two sooner or later and has been preparing and it's actually in their interests for it to be sooner. For another Israel isn't exactly anti Assad and has had peace on it's border with Syria for 40 years forcing them to weaken Hezbollah, which is heavily involved helping Assad, is again from the Iranian/Syrian/Hezbollah point of view simply idiotic.

    All the signs in the international community point to a US led limited series of strikes not designed to remove the regime. Iran is basically saying if the air strikes go beyond this then there will be consequences. Now the fact that anyone cares what Iran says boggles the mind but that's what is going on.

    Frankly if we're going to let Iran go nuclear then who cares if their client state Syria survives? If, however, we're serious about dealing with Iran then the strongest signal we could send would have been using Assad's use of chemical weapons to take out the regime. Announcing up front we're not going to do that made this whole thing very limited, if not pointless. Worrying about near pointless action, and reactions, isn't worth the bother.

  4. two Isreali or American Harpoon anti-ship missiles will sink that refurbished Iranian piece of crap so fast it will bounce off the bottom like a ping pong ball.

  5. No One thought turning off Japanese Imperial military action with an embargo would lead to Pearl Harbor, wake Island and Bataan.
    Ironically No One in Japan thought the symbolic strike on the US Fleet and troops, bases across the pacific would lead to Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
    The examples are numerous from Cannon fire on Fort Sumpter to Gavrilo Princip and his pistol.
    War is one event that once started can evolve into nothing at all what it was intended to become.
    Hence a symbolic strike on Syria could be a limited nuclear exchange just days later down the road to perdition.
    Living by a Hollywood script and the rules and lessons of Alinsky while golfing in a haze made opaque by the media is the one sure way I can think of to stumble into a gut busting big war that could bring actually attacks on the United States far out side what was envisioned as a simple save the children symbolic attack.
    Doesn't Obama worry about US children being bombed in reprisal?


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