Saturday, September 21, 2013

J-15 operating off from the Chinese CV-16 Aircraft Carrier via Chinese Military Review.

How about a massive what if.

What if the Russians are simply designing a carrier for the Chinese much like they designed an attack helicopter for them?

Then consider the many Chinese shipyards that are looking for work.  Then add in the fact that within 5 years (if things remain as they are) the US military will be at its lowest point in 50 years.

That all adds up to the Chinese making a serious push in the Pacific within a decade or two, with the US being unable to do more than protest in the UN.

Developments like this should give US planner pause.


  1. Now that makes some more sense, for instance why did they give away 2 near ready carriers only to design and build new ones from scratch (I dont think requirments have changed that much). Also they would probably only be looking at a maximum of 3 carriers (one each for their three main fleets), they had two others which they gave away... This indicates a shift away from naval focus.
    >additionally i think that the CGI picture is wrong, and the model doesnt show weapons.

  2. I see that Chinese photography tech hasn't progressed beyond the 1970s......

    The attack helicopter design thing is a bit misleading, as Mil concepted it, but all of the engineering work was done by China. Mil head designers said as much.

    And here are some great pictures of it:


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