Monday, September 02, 2013 gets hacked? Warning. Rant.

What the fuck over!

The Syrian Army hacks our website?

I'll be honest.  This is bad.  Disgraceful.  How can we get pissed about Lockheed Martin leaking like a sieve when a US Government website is hacked with apparent ease.

But its worse than that.  They didn't hack an Army site.  Not a Navy site.  Not even an Air Force website.

They went after the Marine Corps and won this "symbolic" battle in cyber space.

Someone better be fired.

via Live Leak....
Syria Hacks, Urges Cooperation Against Al Qaeda Part of channel(s): Syria (current event)
The full text of the message reads as follows:
"This is a message written by your brothers in the Syrian Army, who have been fighting al-Qaida for the last 3 years. We understand your patriotism and love for your country so please understand our love for ours. Obama is a traitor who wants to put your lives in danger to rescue al- Qaida insurgents.
Marines, please take a look at what your comrades think about Obama's alliance with al-Qaida against Syria. Your officer in charge probably has no qualms about sending you to die against soldiers just like you, fighting a vile common enemy. The Syrian army should be your ally not your enemy.
Refuse your orders and concentrate on the real reason every soldier joins their military, to defend their homeland. You're more than welcome to fight alongside our army rather than against it.
Your brothers, the Syrian army soldiers. A message delivered by the SEA"
Assad just scored a massive propaganda victory. 


  1. BAM!

    and that's how war is fought in the 21st century. forget pamphlets dropped from planes, we'll jack your site.

    And that is Syria. Imagine if Russia or China wanted to wage a war of cyber propaganda.

    Foreign powers can identify domestic dissident sentiments and appeal to them directly, encourage them to network and create enough momentum for a tipping point in public opinion.

    we're all just information assets now

  2. Maybe we should elect some of the Syrian Army to Congress. They get it.

  3. Wow... that's really embarrassing. I'm left wondering if this will make members of congress more likely to vote for intervention or not.

  4. solomon do you really buy it?the syrian... hackers?

    1. yeah i do. the syrian army has been extremely active. besides doing several denial of service attacks they've also dabbled in a bit of cyber bank robbing to keep the assad regime in the money.

      additionally this attack was aimed at the Marine Corps. no one is paying attention to the 1st Armored Divison (FWD) sitting in the desert in Jordan, but all eyes are on the San Antonio LPD with its 300 or so Marines on board.

      add to it that the Marine Corps has an outstanding reputation in the Middle East and this attack makes sense. now if they were up to speed and aware of the combat power that the 1st AD brings to the table they wouldn't give a damn about some Marines on a transport but this is about perception. not reality.

  5. I think they hacked this site because they couldn't hack the OFFICAL one,

    Dot COM domains are not as secure as dot MIL domains. because the DNS for .com is commercial quality. They hacked the Domain Name Server address stack to redirect to their page, just like their other hacks. This is a Verisign problem, who have had many problems like this before.

  6. Introduction of large heavy Armored formation's into a theater means Sh it just got real.
    I believe what was just a punitive strike will become a Duke Ferdinand moment, Israel must be hunkered and bunkered down tight with Samson standing by on a strong leash.
    The Airborne/Air assault Army and Marines are door kickers and air base/port facility acquisition forces. Light enough but still potent to contend with these units can be inserted and extracted easier than elements of an Armored Div. with Mech attached can be.
    Once introduced to the arena it's on.
    MMA style.
    Hacking a Marine dot com doesn't do more than show pictures that are propaganda.


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