Saturday, September 21, 2013

Open Carry Crowd is wrong on so many levels.

The above video is sweeping the internet like wildfire.

It shows some young ladies open carrying in a mall.

Many are saying that the LEO was being rude and was power hungry.

They're wrong.

I'm not a big fan of Law Enforcement.  Most of the time when you need them they're not around and they are more revenue generators than law enforcers.  But this open carry movement is silly.

Why shouldn't an open carry person expect to have to provide ID to LEOs?  They should expect every time they go out in public.  They should welcome the stops.  They should be polite, and understand that the choice they made put them into the situation.

First.  Open carry is tactically STUPID!  Most of the people I see open carrying are doing so with Kydex Holsters.  They have at best a retention screw.  Many times they don't even have that.  Remember the 21 foot rule?  Well if you're out in public, shopping, buying coffee etc...then by the nature of public places you're allowing someone inside your 21 foot reaction circle!  Next.  Without a level 3 holster you're allowing yourself to be a weapon snatch victim.  Have you ever seen videos of California Prisoners practicing weapon take-aways in the courtyard?  I have.  An attack from one of those guys will be violent, swift and more than likely against an unaware person.  Most of these people in the vids have coffee, shopping bags etc.  Weapon retention with empty hands is hard enough without being on a shopping spree.

And last.  What happens if Gun Guys win this fight and open carry is allowed without confrontation by police?  What if we get to the point where open carriers are not having to provide ID so a background check can be run?  Then we'll have gang bangers and other criminals open carrying and the police not doing checks because they'll be labeled as racist!

Open carry is tactically stupid, will lead to unintended consequences and doesn't provide the safeguards that concealed carry permits provide to the public that unauthorized persons aren't carrying weapons.

Its time for GUN PEOPLE to get smart and think about the consequences of their actions.