Thursday, September 05, 2013

Opposition to Syria spells trouble for defense budgets.

The powers that be in Washington have effectively killed the golden goose.

I'm one of those people that say that defense is one of the few real responsibilities of the Federal Government and that it is a jobs producer.

Unfortunately a mix of bad policy, sorry oversight of weapons procurement, sky high deficits and poor war planning has all conspired to make the American people (myself included) leary of foreign entanglements.

Opposition to our involvement in Syria spells trouble for the Pentagon when it comes to reconstituting our forces after the current war winds down.  It appears to me that our citizenry isn't gung-ho when it comes to playing world police.  Whats more alarming is the fact that it appears our current SecDef has no problem with the US being a MUCH smaller military power.

Add this all together and my prediction about sequestration being here to stay no matter what happens with Syria seems spot on.  Additionally I can see further cuts to the defense budget.  It hasn't gotten there yet, but soon bone will be cut instead of fat.

Consider this another log added to the fire that is the legacy of Amos and the Joint Chiefs.  Poor leadership yields poor results.


  1. I don't think congress is going to go for him on Syria. Especially not after this aired:

    1. yeah Loren Thompson doesn't believe he's gonna get it either. if he loses his 2nd term is done. he's the lamest of lame ducks. i don't understand the thinking behind this gamble. if he's defeated but still bombs them then its over with. constitutional crisis here we come.


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