Saturday, September 07, 2013

OV-10 In Perspective


  1. Yes Solomon this kind of aircraft would save the USMC..but it would be killed...

    1. killed by whaat? how come everyone thinks that Marine Air is expected to fight alone? we have UAVs that will fly ahead and locate enemy air defenses....once found our artillery...either 155mm guns or HIMAR rockets will light those fuckers up. then Marine Air will zoom in and light up enemy artillery. our artillery will shift fires to light up enemy armor. our own armor and anti-tank teams will kill these buttoned up vehicles and our infantry will dine on enemy forces that remain.

      additionally you're going to have AH-1Zs dashing around killing targets of opportunity or providing firesupport, Air Force and Navy aviation won't be far from the action (at least elements of those organizations) and if the Marine Corps is leading the main effort then we'll be able to stack assets while they wait their turn to attack.

      Surface Navy will be off shore itching to put its 5in guns into action and additionally the Burkes can provide an umbrella over the beach that will also assist in defeating enemy air AND protecting against enemy ballistic missiles.

      a plane of this type would simply fall into our order of battle and provide another platform that can act as Airborne FAC, gunship, escort for Marine Helos or even anti-helicopter/uav missions.

      we could use it in my opinion.

    2. You got me would be killed by pollitics.
      I allways defended that the USMC needs this type off aircraft,but the high brass would never go for it.Sorry for the misunderstanding,but english is not my 1st language...

    3. sorry Nuno. i'm raging this morning, just got back from the gym and i'm fired up. i'm getting a little pissed about the amount of money i'm seeing wasted in the F-35 program and i keep kicking myself for not seeing through the bullshit earlier.

  2. Hellfire missiles, APKWS, M197 20mm or Hughes 30mm chain gun, SDB, FLIR, Stingers, this thing is so ready for a comeback.

    Nuno, if this can be killed, so can MV-22s, AH-1s, Harriers, etc. Anything that flies can die.

    1. You are right Paralus.See the comment above.I was talking about budget and pollitics...i allways loved this aircraft and i think it would be an awesome tool with todays weapons...i just wasnt clear enough in my post...sorry


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