Monday, September 30, 2013

Russian Advanced Stealth Bomber concept via War Machine.


  1. Is it me or does this look like the bastard offspring of a B-2 and a Vulcan bomber....?

    1. yeah it does. i know this is fiction but its such a russian way of doing things...stealth too hard? go for partial stealth...putting a tail on the plane makes it more controllable? cool we'll do it. it looks like a copy but its imminently practical at the same time.

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  2. That is what I was thinking, I am not a big fan of subsonic-wing bombers, I doubt they would be much use against enemies with a comprehensive air-defense system until after successful SEAD, for instance if IRAQ had s-300s/400s protecting baghdad when B-2s flew over (or at least when they opened bomb doors).

    I think a long range 4++/5th Gen super-cruising Mig23/F111(with 2 2000Ib bomds, 2-4 internal HARMS [similar to F-35 bomb-bay]and AA Missiles), supported by a jamming variant and Air-superiority fighters would be more useful. Hit fast and hard penetrating and suppressing air defenses whilst shooting down enemy fighters. When the conflict becomes lower intensity the fighter-bombers can become shorter range heavy bombers, they could also carry something equivalent too the NSM for naval interdiction as well or something equivalent of METEOR BVRMs and fly in rear support of 5th generation air-superiority planes.


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