Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Syria fallout?

Thanks for the article Matthew!

via France24...
AFP - Russian President Vladimir Putin will offer to supply Iran S-300 air defence missile systems as well as build a second reactor at the Bushehr nuclear plant, the Kommersant business daily reported Wednesday.
Putin will renew an old offer to supply Iran with five of the sophisticated ground-to-air missile systems at a meeting with Iranian President Hassan Rowhani on Friday, Kommersant said, quoting a souce close to the Kremlin.
Putin is set to meet Rowhani at a summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation held in Kyrgyzstan on Friday.
Well that didn't take long.

The verdict is now in on whether Russia played the US like a two year old at feeding time.

Yeah they played us.  They're drinking our milkshake.  Read the entire article here.


  1. Russia has been making noise about the S-300 sale to Iran for a long time and has never gone through with it.

    If they do actually go through with it, it would definitely put into focus the stupidity of the President's focus of strikes on Syria, instead of Iran.

  2. Who play's who in the middle east is almost impossible to tell, its such an interwoven mess, the other way to look at this is that Obama hat gotten himself in an impossible situation national and international and the Russians offerd hi a quick and easy way out.

    an interesting youtube doc

  3. Антей-2500 it's not what iran wanted

  4. Oh no, I can already hear F-35 proponents arguing about how this gives them another reason to waste billions...

  5. they are not getting the s300 that they want


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