Wednesday, September 25, 2013

US Army looking at G-Code Holsters?

KitUp! is reporting that the US Army is looking at G-Code Holsters.

They make quality stuff (or so I've heard) and this would be a good step toward getting the military back on the same sheet of music.

The USMC should piggyback off whatever holster the Army settles on (if it meets specs and I'm sure it will).  Lets hope that G-Codes are as good as I've heard and that they can handle the ramp up in production if the Army goes that way.

Sidenote:  Civilian shooters are definitely ahead of the military.  If gun control ever passes and the gun community is forced underground then you'll see alot of innovation being kept to that small group of gun enthusiast.  All the materials are already in hand too.  Kydex, Leather Works, Gunsmithing, and now 3d Printing etc...  We could look at a situation where federal agents assault the wrong compound and are confronted with gear and tactics that have been developed and honed by vets but kept out of view of the wider public.  The results would be devastating.


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