Sunday, September 15, 2013

USAF fleet cuts. An opportunity for the USMC and SOCOM.

Thanks for the article Matthew.

via Defense News...
Faced with steep budget cuts and the desire to keep existing procurement initiatives on track, the US Air Force is considering scrapping its entire fleet of KC-10 tankers and A-10 attack jets, according to multiple military and defense sources.
Also on the chopping block are F-15C fighter jets and a planned $6.8 billion purchase of new combat search-and-rescue helicopters, these sources say.
This is a tremendous opportunity for the USMC and SOCOM.

The A-10 has potential in the Pacific in ways that aren't even being considered.  Chinese Fast Attack Missile Boats?  You're considering sending helicopters after them.  What about low flying A-10's instead?  Insurgents are terrorizing a Philippine city.  How about a squadron assigned to assist SOCOM on that island nation? Yeah I'm talking about a role in Littoral Warfare.

Two Squadrons assigned to the USMC and another two to SOCOM would be a God send.  It would in essence bring the Close back to Close Air Support.

We could toss the Air Force some of those V-22's in the pipeline to ease their Rescue Helicopter requirement and everyone would be happy.

Marine Air is moving further and further away from Marine Ground.  If it is to survive its by resuming its role of supporting the Ground Combat Element, not by becoming part of the USAF Air Tasking Order.  Read the whole thing here. 


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  3. Scrap Key West and give the A10s to the USMC and the Army. They know what to do with them.

    To borrow from Clemenceau, Air Power is too important to be left to the USAF or Lockheed Martin or Boeing.

    1. Seriously? Of all the services, I respect Army strategic thinking the least. They are, after all, the service that has done the heavy lifting when it comes to Iraq and Afghanistan war planning. In my view, Iraq pre-2007 and most of OEF war-planning constitutes professional malpractice by Army brass. And you advocate handing to them what is perhaps the most strategic of all war disciplines?

  4. A10's for scrap... scary idea, fraking scary idea. Besides Frogfoot they are the last pure blood close support planes in the world.

    1. Wasn't the Frogfoot developed from the Northrop YA-9. Maybe we need to revive the Northrop YA-9 as a replacement for the A-10.

  5. Does anyone seriously by this "Pivot to the Pacific" crap if we're seriously talking about scrapping our strategic tanker fleet?

    Don't forget they're also talking about scrapping the BONE. From what I hear it's "either we lose the B-1 or lose the A-10". I love the A-10 as much as anyone else but if I'm a senior DoD planner and I'm faced with that reality then I have to keep my strategic asset alive.

    1. Congress should come back and go, "We've decided you should scrap the least useful plane in your fleets. Since A-10s and B-1bs provide unique capability, and we're not getting rid of any other bombers, how many fighters do you need to get rid off..."

  6. Which is why I am all for giving the A-29 Super Tucanos to the Army and Marine corp. Leave the fast jets to the USAF and Navy. Give the US Army and USMC the A-29 Super tucanos for Armed CAS/COIN and LAS

  7. Nothing can replace A-10 when things would go dirty, close and personal.


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