Monday, September 09, 2013

V-22. We've seen a refueler. Is an AEW variant next?

A while ago JeffHead wrote a page where he covered what he would like to see in future US military tech  in order to counter a rising, technologically capable China.  Read it here (well worth the time).  He predicted the refueling variant of the V-22 and proposed an anti-sub version.  But the type that would probably fit in with the new "Aviation Centric" Marine Corps is his other proposal.  An AEW variant.  Advantages?  The Brits would be more than interested.  Disadvantage?  Once again, cost.  I have no idea what HQMC thinking is.  If past is prologue though, it wouldn't be a stretch to see this being pushed in the near future.

Additional Reading...
UK Armed Forces Commentary..
Navy Matters..
Trishul Group..

NOTE:  Alexander asked/stated..."The first step toward the America becoming a carrier"?  My thinking is no.  More like Majors Thiele and Rubenstein prediction coming true.
Unless arrested, this trend will continue until ultimately the only difference between Marine Corps, Navy, and Air Force aircraft and pilots will be the word “Marines” stenciled on the bird. At that point, budget pressures are likely to lead to the end of Marine fixed-wing aviation.


  1. I would not be surprise of they build an AEW out of a V-22. It would make sense for some countries that want a Carrier based AEW for their LHA, LHD.

  2. The actual cost of retrofitting a V-22 with AEW capabilities would be minimal as long as the only thing the pilot and copilot have to do is fly the plane. You can shove the electronics into almost any platform.

    1. That's if the V-22 is equipped with the SAAB Erieye AEW&C system. If they installed it, it would be the next gen AEW&C System for Aircraft carriers, LHA's and LHD's

  3. Now I'm not sure that this would work, to me it seems those big rotors/propelors and the engines would cause way to much interference, and does a v22 have enough power left for all those electronics ?

  4. Holy crap... Is that an X-32 in that artist's rendering?

    God, that was an ugly plane. Given a choice between that and the F-35, its easy to see why they went with the Lockheed.

  5. It would make the anphibs true light carriers, talk about force multiplier.

    I know many disagree but the Marines are playing their cards pretty good if the PAC theater is the real pole position in funding decisions. Tens of thousands of marines invading the Chicom mainland or landing north of the 38th in a big landing is not high odds in most possible scenarios for the theater. However having LHA/LHD that can operate as light carriers with F-35B strike ability, V-22's as refuelers/AWAC/supply, and the drones for recon they will be very useful in both the peacetime and if we go hot. In peacetime they are the front line in the PAC and taking the patrol loads off the big decks in the 3rd world zones. In war they can pick up of jobs like sea control/interdiction in the Indian ocean, and supply convoy escort. The LPD/LSD will be used for the small landing on contested or not islands, and using the marines to board ships and hold the noose. The Big decks will be left to cat and mouse their way in and out of the contested zones operating as strikers. In small wars they will be able to be the air support in full without the big decks.


    1. just out of curiousity. while the Marine Corps is doing all this stuff alone, what are the big deck carriers doing? will we even have them if we mortgage our future to buy F35s?

      will the Marine Corps be able to do anything except fleet air defense and strike if we buy F35s? is it worth losing capabilities to do anything else jsut to buy F35s?????

      the issue is simple. Marine Air is destroying the Marine Corps budget. we can't afford anything but these uber expensive airplanes.

      THAT IS UNACCEPTABLE. better cheaper, smaller stuff that you won't cry about breaking these these high priced toys that will be put on a shelf and everyone will look at and say pretty.

    2. The development effort in the F-35 program is the most compelling part of the JSF argument. For the first time in HiStory we will have a reasonable platform with many integrated system capabilities that provide a complex and compelling situational awareness, real time system availability, and instant poststrike BDA. The GFE coming out of this developmental effort will be the Holy Grail, and lead to a very capable next platform. This is a bridging technological effort that will turn out to be worth the cost. Some of this code and capability will take us into space.

  6. ehh, can't afford this thing.

    F-35 needs more cash.

  7. Too much airframe vibration for AEW work.

    1. Have you ever ridden in an E-2? Electronic stabilization can accomplish a lot.

  8. I think it's part of a bigger push by the Marines in charge of the V-22 and Boeing/Bell to get the Navy to dump the Greyhound and Hawkeye.

    Marines Pushing Navy to Scrap One of Its Most Important Planes

    I think they want to push down per unit price of the Osprey so they can afford the V22. Add a hundred V22's to replace Hawkeyes and Greyhounds, you might lower the price.

    1. Actually this was a proposal a decade ago for the UK. You may note the lack of US markings....

    2. yeah, i also note the X-32 in the background and all the other concepts that have been floated and killed.

      this wasn't talking about what has come and gone. its about what might be on the horizon. the British Navy appears to have settled on the EH-101 or whatever its called now for its AEW platform. meanwhile the Marine Corps seems to be wanting to develop a mini-carrier capability. that was the focus and speculation behind a USMC AEW platform.


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