Wednesday, September 11, 2013

WTF Putin!!!

Everyone is going crazy about Putin saying that America isn't an exceptional country and that its dangerous for Americans to thinks so.

To that I say ... Ok.  To each his own.

But what has me saying what the fuck is this section...
Reports that militants are preparing another attack — this time against Israel — cannot be ignored.
What did he just do there?

Is Israel about to be gassed by Hezbollah?  If they do it they better be real careful and real clever.  If Israel gets gassed and it can be traced to Assad then that country will be turned to glass.

A few people were talking WW3 with the nonsense that is the Obama Administration foreign policy.  I laughed it off, but this puts things in a new light.  Putin is old skool Soviet Union Operator.  If he's determined that they can do it with few fingerprints then more people will die.

Shit just got real. 


  1. Basically, Putin is playing old school KGB politics. If Israel gets gassed by Hezbollah and it's traced back to Assad & Iran. Expect WW3 to happen very short order.

    1. lets compare.
      Vlad Putin former KGB agent.
      Barack Obama former community organizer.
      Cage match.
      Two men enter one man leaves.
      My bets on Putin.

    2. I'd double down on Putin to win in a steel cage wrestling match.

  2. "No one doubts that poison gas was used in Syria. But there is every reason to believe it was used not by the Syrian Army, but by opposition forces, to provoke intervention by their powerful foreign patrons, who would be siding with the fundamentalists. Reports that militants are preparing another attack — this time against Israel — cannot be ignored. "

    This is why you should stay out of it when Muslims want to kill each other.

    1. ya know, i fell in with the rest of the idiots and thought that Putin threw Obama a lifeline. he did nothing of the sort and i should have stuck to my guns ... consider. what's his name has asylum in Russia and refused the administration when they asked for him back. Obama tried to play hardball by not meeting with Putin before the G-20. at the meeting Putin basically made Obama his bitch.

      and suddenly some are saying that Putin is gonna help Obama out of the goodness of his heart?

      Obama is getting played on an international stage. he looks like a naive fool. by extension the US looks weak. the JCS is in a fetal position on the floor of his office and the only person with experience in his cabinet is his Chief of Staff. the rest of the group are a bunch of kids and college professors.


    2. Obama is trying to play a dangerous game with a guy who is very good at what he does. He shouldn't of fucked with Syria, unless he knew exactly what he wanted and was not willing to back down.

      We're at Putin's mercy now.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. i don't know.

      and that's the worst part of it all. Putin just made a threat against our main ally in the Middle East. while Obama might be willing to throw Israel under the bus, he'd have rioting in the streets and i don't think anyone want to see an unrestrained Israel on the rampage.

      so is that what he's getting at? we drop support for the Rebels or Israel gets hammered? and if we call his bluff then we're probably looking at a real deal regional war. if we cave then Assad remains in power, US influence is checkmated and democracy in the middle east, as messy as it is, is over.

      quite honestly, i'm willing to throw the rebels under the bus. they have too many unsavory characters in their ranks for me to willingly give US aid to. but again, that would mean that the US got checkmated.

      that leaves only one real place to get a draw out of this mess.

      the UN.

      we have to go to the UN and work that system, realizing that we're looking at a drawn out, unsatisfying couple of years of work to produce nothing, but at least we delay defeat on the board.

      thats the only real way out i can see.

    5. How do you think Obama should respond? They are basically trying to force Obama to drop support for the rebels right? Not necessarily draw them into a war.

  3. Nice. Ironically enough we're back to square one and the UN - the very organization the current administration has been trying to skirt around.

    1. i can't think of any other way out of the mess.

      of course i don't have the classified briefings to give me a better view of things but like i said.

      its all i can think of to kinda spoil Putins gambit. one thing is certain. we walked into this one. Obama grabbed onto the trap like a drowning man grabbing a thrown rope and we didn't realize it was a weighted rope.

      my biggest concern is that this is a three way gambit. Iran threatened retaliation against Israel AND the US if we attacked. Hezbollah made some statements too. i wonder if Russia is pulling their strings too? if they are then we're in much bigger trouble than even i think.

      add into the fact that it appears that the US and Britain and France had some kind of plan put together but it got crushed when the Parliament voted against things and you have NATO basically on the sidelines for this whole thing.

  4. This moment in history will hence forth be known to future historians as "The Cold War Round 2."

    You could almost make the argument that an Iron Curtain is descending in the Middle East between Russia's allies and those of the US. We are looking at a serious problem here with a foolish administration facing someone who is essentially an experienced political shark with a Cold War educational upbringing. Now that I look at it, Putin is humiliating Obama at every single chance he gets and nearly everything our administration does is universally being perceived as weak. The delay on the vote to strike Syria was seen as dodging a bullet. The continued pushes for strikes on Syria seem like naive war mongering. The so called, "skepticism" that Obama is showing toward the Syria talks look more like that expressions of a little child who knows he lost an argument and is trying his hardest to not admit it right away before he grudgingly gives up. We are getting our asses kicked right now the only clear move I see is to go serious on the offer to give Syria's weapons to international control while slowly withdrawing our forces from the area, which in turn will look weak, but will save face and be one step closer to getting rid of this war-happy image our administration has.

  5. I don't think he's threatening Israel, I think he is further weakening the Administration's Casus Belli by appealing to the international community to undertake a logistically complex, if not impossible, task of the Syrians surrendering their chemical weapons. I don't think Putin believes this option has a snowball's chance in hell of being done, but in doing so he makes the US look like the aggressor that is violating international law and delays any potential military action by the US against Syria. Obama has to appear to give the Putin proposal serious consideration so as not to look to eager to go to war.

    Putin's pretty shrewd. Obama won the Nobel Peace prize for breaking with the Bush admin's policies and embracing international relations as the way to achieve the US's goals.

    By appealing to the importance of following international law and going through the UN, Putin is throwing Obama's Peace Prize back in his face after he wipes his ass with it.

    In the meantime Syria gets more weapons from Russia.

  6. The whole 'Israel' thing is to underscore how important it is to consider the Putin plan because Putin is implying that if the Obama admin doesn't seriously consider it, it might put Israel at risk.

    In reality, Assad, Iran and Hezbollah all know that chemical weapons used against Israel would result in an overwhelming and possibly nuclear response that would unravel the entire Middle East.

    They are walking a fine line between trying to scare the Americans into not attacking and giving the Putin plan serious consideration while feigning that there is danger in not doing so all the while knowing they have no intention of involving Israel.

  7. I'd wait for the Chem-Agent Tests to come back. That will directly affect everything.

  8. US have a shovel to take out syrian shit, putin just have a stick to make it smell more intense.

    Btw who cares about israel? Its remote foreign country, why dont let them fight with each other and sell weapons to all of them? Everyone will get what he wants, everyone happy.

  9. Vice put up a documentary of FSA snipers on youtube. They interviewed these rebel snipers and were talking with them about their mission of sniping the Assad backed forces. One of the snipers was previously a tailor, the man made suits for a living and had nothing to do with Al Queda or anything to do with the global Jihad. When they asked him who he hated the most he said the Al Shahab militia men, that he hates them more than Israeli's and all the other snipers nodded in agreement.

    So a common tailor in the middle of a civil war still hated the Israeli's with a severe passion.

  10. Obama will put Israel on weapons hold even as Israeli's die in gas attacks, when the Israeli's do strike as we all know they will in retaliation I'm thinking Obama will declare Israel an outlaw nation and bomb the nation until it is too weak to hold off the hordes of Muslim's racing in for torture, kidnapping, enslavement, rape and just plain murder.
    I can hear Barack Obama now talking about degrading the Israeli's ability to fight back and thereby saving the world for the children of the future.
    At this stage anything is possible, with Obama looking like a Cabron everyday.
    I just have no confidence in the POTUS actions or agenda, the man is a fool.

  11. Basically, if I was a special ops guy, I would clear my schedule for the next 6 months because this ride is going to get really bumpy and the ending is something even Hollywood can't write. Putin is really playing the old cold war tactic on Obama and using Israel as a pawn.

  12. It's got little to do with Israel. Putin is implying a threat where there is none to get Obama to not automatically reject Putin's ploy.

    And with Assad saying he would comply with such an international control BUT only if Israel also agrees to similar restrictions, adds a further wrinkle. Obama will never do it because he would be tacitly admitting to everyone the worst kept secret in the Middle East i.e. Israel owns nukes, so he won't ask Israel. Since he won't make similar demands of Israel, he reveals the hypocrisy of the West and the US towards WMDs i.e. its ok if Israel has them but not okay if Arabs or Iranians do.

    Obama walked into the game thinking he was playing checkers only to find out Putin is playing chess.


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