Thursday, October 24, 2013

A quick note to servicemembers and sports teams....

First let me say that I'm not picking on this Marine.  You made it home in one piece.  Not only good but awesome.  Get some rest, chill out for a while and then get back to work.

Second.  To other servicemen and sports teams.

THIS IS TIRESOME!  There are tons of reunions happening everyday at 29 Palms, Lejeune and Pendleton that don't require crowds but are just as meaningful.  The first few public displays and videos were nice.  Now its becoming a SAD cliche'.

Please stop.

1 comment :

  1. I'm thinking about the effect this must have on the families of those who couldn't walk out onto the sports field because they came home in boxes, as we honor the fortunate ones and not the ones who gave the ultimate sacrifice. It ain't right.


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