Friday, October 18, 2013

Another CO gets fired.

via Marine Corps Times.
The two-star head of Marine Corps Installations Command has relieved the commanding officer of Quantico’s Security Battalion following an incident involving a personal weapon, Marine Corps officials said.
Col. Daren Margolin, a 24-year officer was removed from his post Oct. 18 by Maj. Gen. Juan Ayala due to a loss of confidence in his ability to command, said Capt. Maureen Krebs, a Marine Corps spokeswoman.
Krebs said the decision stemmed from a single incident last week involving one of Margolin’s personal weapons, but said she did not have authorization to elaborate on the incident. Margolin has also been charged with several violations under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, but the specific charges are not releasable because Margolin’s relief was the result of an administrative process, she said.
A legal officer, Margolin previously served at the Staff Judge Advocate for Camp Pendleton’s 1st Marine Division. He took command of Security Battalion in June.
The reason why this sticks out is how the press release is phrased.

Personal weapon is emphasized but nothing else.

Are we talking domestic violence?  Can't see it.  That would be too simple to state and there would be no confusion.  A search of quarters?  A Colonel?  In charge of security battalion? Not bloody likely.  So what could it be?  Maybe an arrest by law enforcement but that would have hit the net last week.  Quite honestly I have no idea.

What I do know is that the Marine Corps is in a feeding frenzy.  We're seeing a whole bunch of SENIOR officers get the bum rush out of the service.  Something is seriously broken.


  1. A lawyer commanding a security battalion? And quite a record--

    from Col. Daren Margolin's bio:
    - graduated from New York Law School in February 1990.
    - trial counsel (prosecutor), military justice officer and military judge
    -Commanding Officer, 2D Recruit Training Battalion
    -attended the Israeli National Defense College and earned a Masters of Science degree in Political Science (National Security Studies)
    -Staff Judge Advocate, Group & Division
    - Meritorious Service Medal (with five gold stars), the Joint Service Commendation Medal, and the Navy Commendation Medal.

  2. Col. Margolin was involved in Haditha, seven years ago at Pendleton.
    "Lt. Col. Daren Margolin, a member of Camp Pendleton's Judge Advocate General corps, said the primary goal now is to assure each of the accused receives fair and impartial treatment." --news report (He didn't say crush 'em.)

    1. I just found out about this. Anyway, this guy fried me for something I did wrong. I did take responsibility for my actions but the problem is that he added other things to the list because he believed the lies of other men (if you want to call the that). I was a good Marine but I had to get out of the military because I didn't get a second chance like others were being afforded at that time. There's not a day that I don't miss the Marine Corps and I know in my hearth that I deserved a better opportunity and that I was ready to work twice ad hard than any other fellow Marine. I guess I will never wish this guy well even when I try hard not to think this way. I guess Karma does exist.

    2. dang. i'm sincerely sorry to hear that. i don't know if this will mean anything to you but people that have actually been in our gun club know and understand what you're saying. bad shit happens and more than any of us want to admit. i hope you and yours are well.

  3. It's not just the Corps. This is starting to look more and more like an old-fashioned Stalinist purge:

  4. Well, there is a precedent for firing a USMC Commandant -


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