Friday, October 25, 2013

Brits find 3d gun making facility.

Police have discovered a 3D printer which they believe criminals were using to try to make a gun, Sky News can reveal.
In what is believed to be the first case of its kind, officers in Manchester on Thursday seized a printer and other components potentially used in the manufacture of firearms during a raid.
As part of an operation to target organised crime gangs in the city, police found a trigger and a magazine they believe is capable of holding bullets, both of which are thought to have been made using the printer.
Officers believe the raid - in the Bagley area of the city - could have uncovered what could be Britain's first 3D gun factory.
Earlier this year concerns were raised that the printers, which construct everyday solid items using very thin layers of plastic, could be used to make a gun, which contained no metal parts and could therefore evade detection by security scanners at airports and other potential criminal targets.
It seems that the UK has the same problem as another empire (said tongue in cheek)....the reality though is that this is not uncommon.  In every gun restricting nation-state on this planet, people are either smuggling or making weapons in machine shops.  Prohibition never works and always becomes either heavily taxed, heavily regulated or both.  Either way is usually fine with the long as money can be made---prohibition in the form of a justice system designed to regulate what individuals do with their own bodies (drugs, prostitution etc..) or heavily tax substances that are harmful but deemed legal (alcohol and cigarettes).  In the end its all a game.

1 comment :

  1. Well, it didn't really happen...:


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