Saturday, October 19, 2013

Burning issues for the Marine Corps...

With the Marine Corps birthday rapidly approaching, now is a good time to reflect and look at things the Corps must fix now.   Below is my list.
1.  Procurement.  We need to right size our procurement numbers.  Forget the whether or not I agree with the F-35 concept, we need to adjust the number bought to reflect the projected size of the Marine Corps.  This goes down the line.  We've done it with the numbers of AAV Upgrades/ACV/MPC but we haven't done it with any other program.  This needs to be corrected.
2.  Real numbers on Marines after the drawdown.  We keep hearing a floor of 174,000.  I've been told by reliable sources that planning is actually taking place for a floor of 150,000.  If true then we owe the Marines that will/might be affected time to get their affairs in order.  The last thing you want is 25000 Marines of all ranks pissed because they did good service but were fucked in the end.
3.  Integration of Women into Combat Arms.  Amos has been silent.  The SgtMajor of the Marine Corps has found himself a sniper hide and isn't saying a word.  Even supporters like Haney and USNI Blog have remained silent.  Well its here, your dream is realized and now you must make it work.  Marine Corps Infantry will suffer and the supporters of the concept don't give a damn.  That must change.  If this is going to work then we need those people to step up and make realistic suggestions on how we're going to cope with fragile bodies that break more often and other issues.
4.  Officer/Enlisted discipline.  A pall is over the Marine Corps.  You have Marines that are scared to breath loudly or the fear is that charge sheets will fly.  This has to change.  We are in a zero defect era.  That is not good for a risk taking organization.
5.  Promotion of non-CAR wearers.  How do you justify promoting a Marine that is of equal rank with his peers but doesn't have combat time?  If it isn't an issue now it will be.  How does a buck just out of TBS lead Marines that have more time in combat than he has in the Marines?  I don't know but the issue is coming if it isn't already here.
These are just a few of my points.  I'm sure there are more but this is a start.  The Marines need to have a good time at the Birthday Ball and then get ready to do some serious work.  The wars were hell.  The peace is gonna be worse.

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