Friday, October 18, 2013

Can We Save Taiwan? via The National Interest

Many thanks to Purplelogs for this link.  I didn't have these guys on my radar!

via TNI.
This document, which represents the Taiwan military’s official statement of the island’s current security environment and national-defense policy, pronounced that the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) would have “the comprehensive military capability to deter any foreign aid that comes to Taiwan’s defense by 2020.” China is doing so, the report announced, by building up a formidable set of strike assets—such as advanced missiles and aircraft, amphibious capabilities, defenses against counterstrikes, and the associated enabling infrastructure. These will allow the People’s Republic, the report judged, not only to do extensive damage to Taiwan (something it can already do), and not only to mount a protected and sustained amphibious flotilla and airborne assault, but also to block any attempt by a foreign power (read: the United States) to intervene and defend and/or recover the island.
Absolutely spot on.

Taiwan gets it.

China is a threat and peaceniks, doves, China apologist, industrialist, corporations and anyone else I missed can no longer deny the obvious.  Not only is China a peer competitor, but they're a threat to our allies in that region.  The sooner we accept the truth, the sooner we can start making credible moves to counter them.