Friday, October 18, 2013

Chinese CATOBAR Facility. via Chinese Military Review.

CATOBAR Aircraft Carriers will allow Chinese J-15 Flying Shark Carrier Borne Fighter Aircraft take off from the aircraft carrier with increased payload and fuel when compared to the current Short take-off but arrested recovery (STOBAR) CV-16 carrier.


  1. Unless the chinese have managed to do something dramatic to the SU-33 / SU-27K platform in terms of engineering, there is no way that airframe and landing gear in its current form can handle the stress of a CAT shot. Even the Mig-29K with its beefier airframe, has been stated as categorically unable to use CATs.

    At the moment the only aircraft capable of CATOBAR operations are the Super Bug and the French Rafale.

    So this means, the CHicoms are working on a secret project!

    1. is it really so far fetched. they stole the plans to the F-35 to include the C model which means they have our specs on landing gear for carrier planes, and i'm sure they have it on the Super Hornet. if you can't invent then copy. the Chinese are good at it.


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