Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Europe threatened by illegal immigration?

via PR News.
International Security Expert Predicts European Immigration Disaster Looming in Full Disclosure Network(R) TV-Internet SeriesWASHINGTON, Oct. 23, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Watch the 1-minute preview video herein the final segment in a Full Disclosure Network(R) TV-Internet Series featuring Alex Alexiev. As an International Security Expert, Alexiev is a former analyst with the Rand Corporation and a Vice President of Research & Development with the Center for Security Policy in D.C. He expresses fear that Europe is so politically correct, it is blind to the out-of-control immigration that now poses a serious threat to international security. Alexiev describes France's "radical ghettos," riots in Sweden, and rejection of European culture by those arriving for economic benefits. Watch the video and full segment here: News Behind the News:
The Emmy Award-winning Full Disclosure Network(R) is "The News Behind the News," focusing on the crucial issues confronting the U.S. today. Experts in diverse fields present their observations of local, state, federal and international actions and policies that directly affect the public. The wide range of subjects include John Moorlach , Orange County, CA Supervisor, and former Orange County SheriffMike Carona, "Can Government Rescind Pensions?"; Joe Arpaio , Sheriff, Maricopa County, AZ, "Toughest Sheriff in America"; Edwin Meese, III , former U.S. Attorney General (Reagan Administration), "U.S. Justice System Corrupted By Ideology"; and many more informative, one-on-one interviews. Since 1992, the Full Disclosure Network® programming has been featured on public cable channels and on the Internet at
I never heard of these people so I don't know if they're fringe or one of the emerging hard news alternates thats starting to popup.  Either way the vid is chilling. 


  1. Wow, suddenly America's immigration problems don't seem so bad. We have people trying to live here without paying taxes and claiming lost land from Mexico. At least our illegals are Catholic. Both Russia and Europe have Muslims wanting to take over the social order of things and make Islamic Sharia the law of the land. I'm worried for Europe, but at the same time I think they have to toughen up if they are going to take on the problem. Europe has trouble having a spine when it comes to Muslims and telling them "No." I'm not as worried about Russia since they have Neo-Nazi facist groups and Ultra-nationalist parties that have no problem fighting back with violence, but they need to get slavic Russians to start reproducing more children.

    On the other hand, we have Texas. :)

    1. Europe isn't as pacifist as everyone thinks. in particular the French...yes, the French can be particularly brutal when dealing with "trouble makers". not only will they kill on sight but they will have no problem letting their public know so that they can get nods of approval.

      also the Brits are a lion waiting to be unleashed. remember the SAS members that ran someone down and shot them in the subway (i believe)...when a crack down comes to that country it will be swift and brutal.

      tipping points are popping up all over the place. we'll live and die in interesting times. we are truly cursed.

  2. Alex Alexiev makes a living warning us about "radical Islam." Five years ago he wrote about the dangers of Obama: ".. . . This may not prove that Obama himself is an Islamist, an anti-Semite or an anti-American, it but it does show that, throughout his career, he has willingly associated with, and been mentored by, people who are."

  3. Its all something we know too well..... trouble is that our socialist politicians is afraid to look to tough and eventually calls every efford to close up borders and contain the problem racist!

    sometimes one wishes he was an American ;-)


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