Friday, October 18, 2013

In Vehicle EDC. Is it a good idea? via Predator Blog.

Predator Blog has a great article by the guys at Sage Dynamics regarding Vehicle EDC.

Quite honestly I'm left wondering about it.  

Many people are high on the idea.  When it comes to long trips or carrying  gear to aid in a breakdown or extended, unplanned stay on the side of the road I can get behind the tools, snacks and water.

But to everyday carry a rifle in my truck?  I'm just not sold.  Read the article here and any feedback would be appreciated.

NOTE:  If you live in a slave state (Kalifornia, Jersey, New York or other Northeast or West Coast areas) then it goes without saying that you're not even a participant in this debate, but for those of us that live semi-free its something to consider.


  1. Replies
    1. my heart goes out to you. i recommend you escape if possible ;))

  2. I think it goes a little far. For me a good gun for that situation would be a shotgun or semi auto .22. I would hate to get my vehicle burglarized and know my gun would end up in a dope dealers hands in no time. Oh and figure in the loss of money if it were stolen. Over $1500 in gear there. $400 or less sounds much better. Id say it is still over kill, but if they had a secure steel box to keep it in when away from the vehicle to make it harder to steal than to each their own.

    1. i think we have a winner. if you have a steel box that is bolted to the truck frame and has a substantial lock on it (meaning you can't use a hammer to break into it) then it would be headed in the right direction. any gun that costs more 100 dollars along with gear is a no starter too (at least in my mind).

      the idiot might not just break into your truck..they might steal it and ransack it at another location.

    2. Yeah thats the way I see it too, last thing someone like that needs is my little rifle. When they steal your whole vehicle is bad enough, why make it worse? Hoping to have a new job soon, one idea I was thinking of was getting one of those break-down 10/22s and stuffing it in my ruck. I don't anticipate having to shoot small game one my way to my emergency place but if I have to then my revolver would be no good.

    3. I will have to say I did up my edc. I still need a better bag with a mountable holster, but I have gone to my snub nose on my person and my Sig and 2 spare mags in a small hydration style backpack with trauma kit.

  3. It in a similar vein of the comments about theft, I'd also worry about my stuff being in that plastic tub if I were in an accident. That shit is going to go everywhere. Do you want the paramedics, police, firemen, and random people who beat them to scene going through your stuff?

    1. thats a good point but i'm not gonna throw stones at the guy. we don't know where he lives, what his concerns/threats are and why he choose the system he did. what i do know is that i don't think it would work for me.

  4. I keep a suppressed FN five-seven with about six magazines (including 30-round happy sticks) and five hundred rounds with a cleaning kit and a paddle holster in an innocuous insulated lunchbox in my vehicle. (you don't want to have to fire an unsuppressed five-seven from an enclosed space like a moving vehicle unless you're already deaf.)

    So, I drive to work, put the "lunchbox" in my locker, and when I drive home it's right there on the floorboard at my feet ready to dispense all means of death and destruction as required.

    I also have a three-day assault pack full of medical supplies, MRE's, camping shit, bug netting and radio gear inside a backseat trunk that also includes rain gear, tools (axe, shovel, saw, machete, flares, hammer, mallet, pry-bar, 6-day supply of MRE's, rain boots, rain suit, gas mask, HD gloves, elbow and knee padding, TP, change of clothing, camo tent, and your average roadside assistance stuff like jumper cables.

    That stuff, and the Glock 23 with five extra mags in my computer bag that I carry in and out of work every day and night (screw the's MY life MAN...) will assure that I make it home and anybody who decides to fuck with me doesn't.

    I live in a suburb of Houston...the city is full of all manner of shitballs, scum of the earth, unprepared would-be zombies, and crooked cops that will use anarchy as a smokescreen to enrich themselves so screw it...I'm getting home to my wife and kids in the burs if I've gotta kill every freaking democratic voter that gets in my way.

    1. you my friend just achieved HERO status!

    2. Is 5.7 ammo hard to find? I don't recall seeing that when I'm shopping.

    3. well lets put it like this. it seems like someone is expecting to run into people wearing vests. its not hard to find but its definitely "non-standard". its a unique choice for an EDC weapon. hard to conceal, but has a nice capacity and will punch through most vests with no problem. shooting people without them? i'm not sure. bullet placement is the key but you're talking a fast round that punches through with little to no expansion. like i said placement is key but blood loss helps too.

    4. aim small...miss small...that 5.7 will penetrate anything made of meat and automobile materials and with a 20 round magazine and almost total lack of recoil you can change the ad guy's mind with a rapid volley of fire...when suppressed and fired from inside a vehicle, it is very difficult for someone outside the vehicle to discern where the shots are coming from. In a MOUT environment, select your ambush position from deep inside a structure or a darkened recess to better cover the supersonic crack of the round.

    5. To Steven Oliver:

      5.7 is still pretty hard to find, and when you do find it, be prepared to spend TWICE per round what it used to cost before the Manchurian Candidate's theatrics caused the ammo hoarding craze. I bought 5000 rounds in bulk on Mugabe's FIRST election.

  5. Unless it is possible to lock down something like in a TruckVault AND keep it out of sight, there is no way I'd keep a firearm in the city where I live. I toyed with the idea of a budget bolt gun like a Savage axis in .308 with a weaver mil-dot scope, but decided it was not worth the risk of theft.

    If SHTF scenario on a scale big enough where I'd need a long-gun, then it would be probably be too much for a long gun to make much of a difference. Odds are, however, that I'd be ripped off multiple times before any SHTF occurs if it ever does.

    I have more fear of losing firearms or gear to theft. Thieves aren't thinking, "oh, this suv might have an AR", they are thinking, "hey, nylon messenger bag = laptop/iPad/camera"

    I keep nothing of value in my vehicle. the rain gear, PAC boots, fire extinguisher, FAK, jacket, blanket are hidden in the cargo area, but are innocuous and low value. If I have an EDC handgun, it's on me where I can control it.

    If I lived in the country, it might be a different story.

  6. Don’t lump all of the Northeast together. Come to New Hampshire; or state motto on our license plate is “Live free or die”. I would be weary of storing a good weapon in a vehicle on this list:


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