Saturday, October 12, 2013

J-10 totting 6 long range air to air missiles....


  1. 4 are representative radar guided air to air missiles, 2 are representative IR guided (ie: short ranged) air to air missiles.

    It is actually carrying 6 captive carry training devices.

  2. according to wikipedia the PL-12 has a range of 100 km. that looks like a PL-12 to me. if its the PL-10 its range is listed as 60km. since long distance is relative and since the only real long range missile the US produced was the Phoenix used by the USN with a range of 100km i feel safe in calling those missile on that airplane ... long range. any other advice this morning?

    1. You mean 100 nmi (190 km) for the Phoenix? The AMRAAM is the PL-10/12 equivalent in the US. AIM-120A/B 55–75 km, AIM-120C-5 about 100 km, AIM-120D 150+ km. The C had a lighter warhead. The D take advantage of miniaturization to stuff a larger motor in the body mold.

  3. 4 PL-12 BVR air to air missiles and 2 PL-8 (PRC Python 3) IR missiles. (Source: Air Power Australia).

  4. Nice, but the real interesting bit will be to see a WS-10A equipped J-10B in standard colors.


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