Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Negligent discharge? In your office?

Well we found out why that Marine Colonel was relieved of duty.

He had a fucking negligent discharge in his office.


Sorry.  But if a Marine has a ND in the field, that's solved by a little behind the berm counseling or wall to wall mind-righting in garrison.  But a senior officer?  The officer in charge of security?  Not at all acceptable.  I know we're not getting the whole story and I'd love to know it.  But barring that, I wonder why HQMC took so long to get this info out?  Read the article here.


  1. Reportedly,
    *Margolin accidentally shot his M9 handgun into the floor of his office
    *Quantico prohibits personnel from carrying or storing personal weapons on base
    *The Security Battalion commanded by Margolin oversees personal weapons registration and enforcement of the weapons order
    *There have been a series of deadly incidents involving firearms aboard bases within the National Capitol Region this year, and so everybody's on edge
    *The UCMJ, Article 134, Paragraph 60 prohibits "Firearm, discharging— through negligence" because it's to the prejudice of good order and discipline
    * Maximum punishment. Confinement for 3 months and forfeiture of two-thirds pay per month for 3 months.

  2. speaking of UCMJ violations, Marine Corps Times:
    Twenty-seven former Marine Corps and Navy officers and lawyers are seeking a congressional inquiry into the removal of Maj. James Weirick from his position as deputy staff judge advocate and into allegations of unlawful command influence by Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Jim Amos and his senior legal advisers.

  3. I don't see what the big deal is here. You've never done a desk pop? Everyone does it. We honor the flag, Sol, and you crap on it when you don't shoot your gun in the office.



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