Thursday, October 24, 2013

Obama is behind a Uniform Proposal for the Marines????

Thanks for this Dave!  I appreciate the link but I'm so pissed off I'm punching walls.

via The New York Post.
A change to the Marine Corps’ uniform hats could take the hard-nosed Leathernecks from the Halls of Montezuma to the shops of Christopher Street.
Thanks to a plan by President Obama to create a “unisex” look for the Corps, officials are on the verge of swapping out the Marines’ iconic caps with a new hat that some have derided as so “girly” that they would make the French blush.
“We don’t even have enough funding to buy bullets, and the DoD is pushing to spend $8 million on covers that look like women’s hats!” one senior Marine source fumed to The Post. “The Marines deserve better. It makes them look ridiculous.”
The thin new hats have a feminine line that some officials think would make them look just as good on female marines as on males — in keeping with the Obama directive.
One of the new hats worn by a female Marine.
They have been dubbed the “Dan Daly” hat, after a sergeant from Long Island who won the Medal of Honor in World War I.
But some Marines love the old hat, which has been in use since 1922 and think the new hat is a glorified “porter’s cap.”
“The Dan Daly cap looks too French, and the last people we want to associate our Marines with would be the French military,” wrote one commenter on the Marine Times Web site.
As of now, the new hats are only in the proposal stage.
Officials have until Friday to cast their votes on whether to adopt them or keep the old hat with modifications. Marine Corps head Gen. James Amos will make the final decision.
According to a memo obtained by The Post, replacing the hats could cost over $8 million.
A poll of a Marine uniform advisory board found that “The group members did not like the appearance of the Dan Daly cap on the male Marine.”

I've suspected but this confirms that Obama has a special hard on for the Marines and it appears that he wants to make us part of his change campaign.

He forgot one thing.  Change is chaotic.  We might run to chaos but its to bring order.  Obama is a chaotic individual and he's bringing his bullshit to my beloved Marine Corps.   I tried to take a middle ground with the guy but this (and the 2A issue) is pushing me.  Pushing me hard.


  1. too frenchy ? It would looks like Foreign legion white kepi... Sure it's associated with 1940 defeat... not unstoppable warriors..

    1. no its not that. its that one man sitting in the White House thinks that he can fuck with Marine Corps tradition.

      FUCK NO!

      but i am left to wonder. why would this leak?

    2. It's leaking because someone doesn't like it and wants it to get enough bad press to kill it early.

      Doubtful Obama or anyone in the Whitehouse had even heard of this until now...

    3. Amos making a twisted play to say to his Marines "hey its not my fault"????

  2. It would be in France, i would say diversion : You care and protest againt this and you don't protest against something else, more important.

  3. OHHHH FUCK YOU! That is absolutely bull shit, I might be able to be convinced that the WM's could wear the male cover, similar to female DI's, but Male Marines wearing a Fucking Females cover, OHHH Fuck You Democrats! Democracy, rule of the lowest common denominator, Instead of expecting people to strive to better themselves we are going to nutter the best to make the underachievers feel better about themselves, OHH FUCK YOU! I have had it....I almost wont to run for office

    1. yeah....they want to feminize Male Marines. its like making us crossdressers or something. THIS IS BULLSHIT.

  4. Replies
    1. oh i understood. this type of thing makes a person type faster....

  5. "“Dan Daly” hat, after a sergeant from Long Island who won the Medal of Honor in World War I."

    Nope. He was awarded two different MoH, neither in WW1 (Navy Cross).

  6. Unisex !? UNISEX !!!???

    Maybe also castrate all male Marines and make whole Corps a fraking UNISEX!!!


    Here is the picture of the warrior wearing this cover. Apparently the only picture left in the Corps of Marines wearing this cover.

    I do not know if Obama really is behind the push to have all Marines wearing the same uniform, i really doubt it, but once upon a time male Marines wore this.

    I liked the other suggestion that current cover be updated to a more oval shape so that it will actually stay on your head.

    1. The guy in that pic looks like a badass. The hat he has on changes nothing for me. He's the kind of old school warrior that doesn't exist today AFAIK.

      Here's a direct link to the pic:

  8. I predict Famous Amos will go for it.
    Call me a cab!

  9. I don't understand what the problem is with the current hats. Do the women who want to be Marines think that they don't look pretty enough? If you let this slide next thing you know you'll all have to wear stupid black berets! Let the president play dress up with the secret service. This is just bullshit

  10. Yeah they suck, I had to wear one for eight years because some dipshit general thought he'd look cool with one but didn't serve in the Ranger Regiment. They don't block the sun or the rain, they are made out of wool in the summer and somehow still provide no warmth in the winter, they are completely pointless, troops would be just as well off wearing cunt caps or propellor beanies

    1. Ok, you got me. I was wear one for only a year. But I like them. Sometimes they are a symbol, I would not say to British Commando that his beret suck. I like my face too much. ;D

    2. Well its different when its a unique symbol for a special unit like Rangers or 82nd or something but that jerkoff general made everyone in the Army wear them so any symbolism was lost

    3. It was authorized for tankers and cav units to use black berets from 1973 until 1979 when CoS Gen. Bernard Rogers decided only Special Ops, Ranger and Airborne units would be authorized to wear them. There are rumors some tankers and cav guys burned or burried their berets in protest.

      It makes sense for tankers to wear them, but they have little practical use as a cover.

      Somebody should write a book about regimental uniform variations in the US Army. those units were far more diverse than the sanitized look Big Army would have us believe.

      Oh, and that proposed new unisex cover is hideous.

    4. Someone else wearing a black baret: ;-)

  11. The Dan Daly cat looks like a girls bonnet.
    Yes, the democrats have always hated Marines.
    Yes, the feelings are mutual for all but a few Marines, ie; Murtha, garwood etc.
    Liberal Wussies usually do hate real men.
    My first thought was, "THANK CHESTY PULLER IT'S NOT A PHUKEN BERET!"
    The idea is to destroy the past and make a new future a liberal gay, welfare future where the US doesn't endanger the world and to dump humiliation for kicking Islamic ass.

  12. This story might as well have come from the Duffel Blog. The reality is the manufacturer of the female cover went out of business, and the Uniform Board is using the opportunity to try out something different. all this "it's Obama's fault" is ridiculous and demonstrates just how unreasonable and polarized the right wing is.

    Read here:

    1. what the fuck are you talking about? all these damn Marines on this blog AND THAT ONE and no one is aware of COmmand INTENT!!!!

      you think AMOS was so adamant about CRUSHING MARINES ON HIS OWN????? that came from the white house! are you all dumb asses????

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. That headgear now brings a new meaning to the words "flat top".

    "It's so big, you can land an F-35 on it!"

  15. This is punishment for the Corps not bowing down before the PC agenda as quickly as the rest of the military.


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