Friday, October 25, 2013

Polish Wolverine wins 307 additional orders.

via WZMS press release.
By 2019 the Polish army will get an additional three hundred and seven vehicles. The Agreement was signed in the presence of the Minister of National Defense Tomasz Siemoniak and Deputy Minister Waldemar Skrzypczak, the Agreement was signed by the head of the Inspectorate of Armaments and the CEO of WZM S.A.

Mr. Adam Janik stated that the first vehicles to be delivered will be reconnaissance vehicles and the “Rak” 120mm mortar Rosomak. – The duration of the contract and number of vehicles to be delivered will be adapted to the requirements of the Army - said Deputy Minister Waldemar Skrzypczak . There are also modernization plans for older turrets and integrate them Spike missiles.
We're seeing a family of vehicles develop here.  Pretty impressive.  Recon vehicles, 120mm mortar variants and modernization of older turrets for Spike missile carriage?

How is it that a small European Army is able to pick a vehicle, sign the contract for them and then  get them into production in less time than it takes the USMC to study the concept?

Once again I'm impressed by a "smaller" European country. 


  1. Its because you have incredible amount of corruption built in to your process .Things rotate around and fail untill there are enough cushy jobs for the brass.

  2. In other words, "How is it that a Polish Army is able to pick a vehicle, sign the contract for them and then get them into production in that short time?" The answer is... we have no fraking idea. :D

    We also have incredible amount of corruption in Ministry of Defense, level of incompetence there is terrifying. But Rosomak is just fraking bulletproof, one officer said that some guardian angel protect Rosomak project.

  3. damn good job for the Poles and the Finns.

    Patria hit it out of the park with the AMV.

    The AMV can be anything a customer needs, with a gigantic amount of config options and weapon systems.

  4. Country with less senators, so less elections & corruption problems...
    There is also only one nationnal competitor : that help : no time wasted with lobbying


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