Monday, October 14, 2013

Re-awakening the Corps????

Thanks to Don for sending me the link...

Click here to read the USNI article for yourself but consider me unimpressed.

The arrogance, condescension, "mightier than thou", "do as I say-not as I do" ism's running through the document are stomach churning.

My takeaways....

*  Arrogantly accuses Marines of rampant bad behavior, yet outside of a few minor incidents excuses the real breakdown in leadership that has at times been encouraged by HQMC.  Dance videos at Camp Leatherneck mouthing "Call me maybe" or whatever the fucking song is????  Marines asking celebrities out on dates???  SNCO's participating in both and I do believe I even saw silver or gold in some of those videos???!!!!  The videos were endorsed by HQMC and I saw a Marine Corps Spokesman talk about how they were encouraged (don't ask me  the news program...I know I saw it on MSNBC, the guy was a Major and it was a "fun" talk).

*  Talks about re-awakening the Marine Corps when in essence the Marines are in reality being shaken to the Corps in order to accommodate Women in the Infantry.  The many are going to pay the price to satisfy the desires of a few.  Moving NCOs back into the barracks?  Micro managing units from HQMC to the extent of deciding whether or not a freaking television is allowed in the duty room on a 24 hour shift???

*  Most disturbing is the apparent hatred and contempt that is held by the higher ups toward lower ranking Marines.  There is no mentorship being spoken to here except in passing.  There is no leadership being expected of higher ranking Marines except in passing (and I would know if that info had been passed on in an Officers or SgtMajor's symposium).

Trust me.

This bitch session could stretch for a couple of pages but I'll end it here.

Its real simple.

The Commandant of the Marine Corps is not up to Marine Corps standards.  I've seen Lt. Colonels dismissed from service for less than what the Commandant is accused of doing by a fellow 4 star.

Undue command influence is a crime under the UCMJ.  Amos should have been fired by the SecDef but Hagel lacks the balls to do so.

Everyone in the Marine Corps knows all this.  Amos has lost the respect of the Corps and as I've seen happen with other fucked up leaders, he's trying to harden up to cover his fuck up.  Amazing, but not surprising.

You want to see the Marine Corps re-awaken?  Prove that the rules apply to everyone and get Amos out of the big chair.