Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Revolt of the Retired JAG Corps. Pressure mounts on Amos.

via Marine Corps Times.
Some 27 former Marine Corps and Navy officers and lawyers, including a general officer, sent a letter to the leaders of the Senate and House Armed Services committees Tuesday, asking for a congressional inquiry into allegations of unlawful command influence centering on Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Jim Amos and his senior legal advisers.
The letter cites legal documentation alleging Amos deprived accused Marines of due process, made misleading statements under oath, engaged in abuse of the legal discovery process to hide evidence, and worked to tarnish the reputation of a Marine Corps whistleblower who came forward to expose the unethical activities of Marine leadership.
Be advised boys and girls.

Something dark is brewing.  Something earth shattering.

First lets break down a couple of things.  I've been a critic of Marine Times.  I've accused them of encouraging fluff, pushing the female in the infantry agenda and promoting Marines acting stupidly (the music videos and asking out celebrities).  On this story though they've been like a dog on a bone.  GOOD FOR THEM!

Second.  Retired JAG officers sending a letter tells you that this is reaching critical mass.  Always pay attention to the retired class.  They're the gate keepers of tradition.  For retired JAG officers to send a letter of this type means that more than me and my buddies have been fired up about this.  Its sweeping our community.  Additionally it also means that active duty JAGs have briefed some important retirees on the nature of the case and these retirees ran with the ball.

Third.  I don't know if Amos will be able to hold on.  Before his decisions have brought grumbling.  Now they're bringing about action.  All his sycophants inside the Corps will hardly protect him.  They're political animals like he is.

I figure early next year he'll be asked to retire early and a cover will be arranged to help him save face.

1 comment :

  1. It's not his fault that he never had any infantry time.
    Don't let the door hit ya, Jim.


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