Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Shit just got real at the UN.

Netanyahu is speaking at the UN and is basically saying that ....

1.  The US is being naive in believing that Iran is serious about diplomacy.
2.  Israel will never allow a rogue nation that has threatened to wipe it off the map to get nuclear weapons.
3.  If Israel must go it alone, then so be it...but Israel will be standing up for others that aren't as brave when they do what must be done.

So much for the great international week that the President had.  If Netanyahu is saying all this publicly then the phone lines must be buzzing in private.

I think its pretty much confirmed that we're playing checkers while the rest of the world plays chess.

We need new leadership so bad it hurts...in every area of govt.


  1. Personally, kind of tired on Netyahoo. He is like the little guy that keeps talking sh#t to bunch of big guys, then runs to his big friend when the pissed off guys are going to beat him up. He hides behind the big guy and screams:"someone hold me back because I am going to beat up these big guys, hold me back!" While hiding behind his friend! Enough already!!!!

    If he really believes it that Iran is such a big threat and Israel has the military capability to do the job then stop talking and act! It's getting old. My 2 cents.

    Israel is a sovereign state, they don't need permission, that's a cope out!!! they have done a number of things on their own so just do what you know has to be done and act! If Yahoo say's it is a life ending threat to his country, he doesn't need permission.

  2. Then go it alone already. Or better yet, how about giving us back some of that military aid, (since they're flush with cash) so we can afford to do it.

  3. Let them fight their own war, hell let them have at it with Syria and Russia at the same time if they want its their funeral. They are just trying to drag the west into fighting their war for them.

  4. Sorry guys, but Solomon's view trumps all criticism of Netanyahu.
    "We need new leadership so bad it hurts...in every area of govt."
    Why? Because we need to focus on our own shortcomings first.
    Except I would call them "managers" not "leaders."
    Personally I don't meed a leader.
    Somebody who could manage things intelligently would be nice though.

  5. Do not forsake me Oh my darling, here on our wedding day.......High Noon the old one with Gary Cooper and Grace Kelly Princess Monaco (pbuh) ...Or lie a coward, a craven coward for I must shoot Frank Miller dead.
    Netanyahu Knows the score with less than hooded ideological eyes.
    The world looks on with fear and excitment but does not intend to intrude on this family of semites affairs, in the homelands of all. Might as well get them before that first suicide ATOMIC VIED or long range DRONE UAV.
    The day Iran gets the bomb and that day ends with that bomb delivered to Tel Aviv CEP and detonated.
    The middle east burns with apocalyptic furor as Samson comes on line and everybody shares the pain.
    Tipping point being every event deemed military response will get responded to. India vs Pakistan, China Japan Korea N &S South east asia, Tibet all go critical.
    We can all thank our Luck we have a man such as Barack Obama as POTUS, The best, of the best, of the best, Good Luck sir. we are gonna need it.
    OR Israel takes Iran down and not a big phuc is given by all!
    As for Israel this moment, perhaps it is time to play Sheriff one last time alone, The Israeli's certainly owe us one.
    June 8, 1967 U. S. Navy Technical research ship (ELINT/RECON) Liberty attacked by Israeli Air Force.
    Bombing, NaPalming the crew who fled to the flight deck and then used cannon fire to strafe the survivors fThe combined air and sea attack killed 34 crew members (naval officers, seamen, two Marines, and one civilian), wounded 171 crew members, and severely damaged the ship.[4 > wiki<
    I think the US Navy and America sit this one out.
    It's your buttocks Netanyahu, Bon Chance!


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