Sunday, October 27, 2013

The Future Marine Corps.

Thanks MUCH JB for sending me this link.

I found this vid informative.  Take the time to hear this joker out.  I WAS BEYOND SKEPTICAL of every initiative he talks about...and I still have serious doubts about the F-35...I still believe that the Commandant is confused on the ACV and is looking for a chance to kill the ACV.

But as far as the SPMAGTF-CR (Crisis Response).  Ok.  It won't replace but will augment the MEU's...especially considering the high demand for the MEU's it makes sense.  I still don't believe the 186K number.  I've heard from too many credible sources that the real number is 150K, but hopefully it works out.

The loss of a MEF is not a big deal to me.  Quite honestly the design of the MEF indicates that the Marine Corps in actuality only needs MEF can in theory control the entire Marine Corps if it went to war.

The answer to the imbalance between the aviation and ground side is still an unanswered question and I don't buy his answer.  The JLTV is not needed and the money can go toward an MPC buy.  The idea of buying space for the Commandant to make his mind up about the ACV was beyond irritating...he has had more than enough time.

Lastly, I don't buy the tailoring of the Marine Corps to Crisis/Disaster Response with risk being pushed toward combat operations.  In my perfect world it would be opposite.

Informative, frustrating but enlightening.  I still disagree but at least the way that they came to these sets of ideas is a bit more clear.

Good stuff.

SIDENOTE:  I continue to be worried and a bit alarmed by the reductions in artillery and tanks.  All weather support provided by artillery and the massive direct fire power of tanks should not be pissed away without concern.  This portion will bear watching.

SIDENOTE 1:  I also marvel at the idea of the Marine Corps supposedly focusing on the Pacific yet at the same time developing a force that prioritizes HA/DR at the expense of combat operations.  The nations in the Pacific are arming to the teeth.  How we can consciously develop a Meals on Wheels Marine Corps instead of a warfighting Marine Corps will lead to trouble.  This also bears watching.